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Interactive Tutorials for GAM

Interactive tutorials are an opportunity to learn by using a simple WAWF simulation. Click on any tutorial to practice using WAWF. For further practice, go to the WAWF training web site at https://wawftraining.eb.mil/ and click on Training Instructions to get started.

Internet Browser: For best results please use Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher.

WAWF GAM Version 5.0
Quick Reference Guides
These files are best viewed with Adobe Reader click here to download. These files are best viewed with Adobe Flash Player click here to download.
  Quick Reference Guide Interactive Tool
GAM Group Information (Structure) PDF Flash
GAM Group Lookup PDF Flash
GAM Location PDF Flash
GAM Location Code Group History Search PDF Flash
GAM Reset Certificate PDF Flash
GAM Reset Password PDF Flash
GAM Role Activation PDF Flash
GAM Role Activation Report PDF Flash
GAM Role Information PDF Flash
GAM User Information PDF Flash

GAM Step Action Book (PDF, 3MB)

If you encounter any problems with these quick reference guides and interactive tools, please send an email to dfas.dscc.jjh.mbx.cco-esolutions-webcontent@mail.mil