As a reminder, Vouchers (SF1113) received without proper Service Codes, Payee Codes, or standard carrier alpha codes (SCAC) where the addresses on file do not match the ones on the Vouchers will be rejected. (Service Codes, proper billing procedures, and information regarding Payee Codes can be found in the Billing Carrier Instructions) (as a note: Third Party Service (TPS) will not be accepted when there is a legitimate code for the service. If TPS is used, a complete description of the service must be included).

To ensure that payments and adjustments are made in a timely manner, your SF 1113 must include: SCAC, payee code, and all service codes. The service codes are located in our billing instructions, Appendix B. Any SF 1113 submitted that does not include the above information will be returned without action.

Your SCAC can be found in Directory of SCAC published by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc. To order a directory, click here. If your company does not currently have a SCAC code, you will need to contact the National Motor Traffic Association at (703) 838-1810 or click here.

Effective July 1, 2002, we instructed carriers to mail all paper transportation invoices citing the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Indianapolis (DFAS-IN) as the "Bill to" address to:

Auditech & Associates, Inc.
2207 East Chester Dr, Suite #105
High Point, NC 27265

Supporting documentation for charges appearing on the SF 1113 (Public Voucher for Transportation Charges) must accompany all paper invoices.

Effective immediately, DFAS-IN will require all transportation bills be audited prior to payment in accordance with the Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998, (PL 105-264-Oct 19, 1998). DFAS-IN will utilize the services of Auditech & Associates, Inc. (ATS) to conduct the audit. Transportation service providers submitting paper SF 1113s on or after July 1, 2002 for bills of lading or Government Transportation Requests citing DFAS-IN as the paying office should send the bill directly to ATS, at the above address. All documentation necessary to support charges should accompany each bill. ATS will conduct the audit and forward the audited bill to DFAS/IN for payment. DFAS-IN will issue payments based on the auditor's findings and forward written explanations when payments are less than the original billed amounts. Interest penalties in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act will be calculated from the date the bill is received at Auditech & Associates, Inc.

Page updated November 05, 2019