WAWF vendors can view tax statements in MyInvoice using this link:

Contractor/Vendors Tax Information

Vendor Pay Tax Statements

Requesting Access to Tax Statements in myInvoice.pdf

DOD Guidebook for Miscellaneous Payments
Requesting access to tax statements in MyInvoice

How to Contact the Tax Office:

If you received an IRS Form 1099-MISC, 1099-INT, 1099-C, or a W-2 from DFAS and have questions, you may contact us using one of these methods:

  1. Email your inquiry to the email address shown in the box at the top right corner of the 1099 form. If the form was issued by DFAS CO Tax Office – JJFKCA please contact us by email at: dfas.dscc.jjf.mbx.cco-1099@mail.mil.  Please include the account number and other pertinent information from the form.


  2. Write to us at the address below and include the data shown in the paragraph above:
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
ESS Tax Office – JJFKCA
8899 E. 56th St. Indianapolis, IN 46249
  1. Fax your inquiry to 614-701-2511 and include the data shown in the paragraph above.

Due to the current Privacy Act laws, if the request is from a third party it must be accompanied by a power of attorney.

Please allow up to 7-10 business days for a response.

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