WAWF vendors can view tax statements in MyInvoice using this link:
DFAS is committed to providing payments as quickly as possible to our contractor and vendor customers. DFAS does not have the authority to suspend the statutory requirements of a proper contract, invoice, acceptance, and authorization to pay prior to making disbursements to vendors.  DFAS will continue to work with vendors, contracting officers, and end users to ensure payments are made in a timely manner. Contractors and Vendors can check invoice status online 24/7 via myInvoice.
The Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) is the primary enterprise procure-to-pay (P2P) application for the Department of Defense and its supporting agencies and is trusted by companies reporting over $7.1 billion in spending. PIEE is a cloud-based enterprise platform, managed by the Defense Logistics Agency, that hosts many of DoD’s enterprise procurement capabilities. It provides single sign-on and account management tools and streamlines operations and data management.

Advantages to PIEE Include:

Increase productivity - PIEE enables automation through every phase of the procurement process reducing manual data entry and administrative tasks from pre-award through contract close.

Reduce risk - With built-in checks, controlled access, workflows, data pre-population and error tracking, PIEE helps ensure contracts, invoices and payment disbursements are as accurate as possible.

Enhance visibility - Global access to information such as reports, documents, and workflow statuses allow all users to have greater visibility into the procurement process at any time.

Promote collaboration PIEE’s Integrated document management and messaging capabilities provide a centralized way to securely communicate and share important information across organizations and roles.

Features of PIEE include:

To learn more about PIEE and how DFAS interfaces with it, click here.

To learn more about PIEE Resources including guides, click here.

To check out available training, click here.

DoD Working to Accelerate Small Business Payments


Changes to the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) will help Small Businesses contracted with the Department of Defense (DoD), receive their payments sooner.

For some small businesses, receiving payment for goods or services provided through DoD contracts can be subject to a lengthy process and cash management requirements.  The new DFARS rule allows the DoD to accelerate payments to all small businesses once all required documentation is received.

To support the new DFARS rule, modifications to the DoD payment systems are required.  These modifications will allow for the proper identification of contracts with small businesses and create system logic to release payments after the required documentation is received.

Because of the requirement to modify the payment systems, accelerating Small Business payments will be implemented in a phased approach as each system becomes capable. 
The following systems have implemented the ability to accelerate Small Business Payments:

  • Mechanization of Contract Administration Services (MOCAS)
  • Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) resale payments made from Standard Automated Voucher Examination System (SAVES)
  • Fuels Automated System (FAS) and Automated Voucher Examination and Disbursing System (AVEDS) used to support Defense Loistics Agency (DLA) fuels commodity payments.
  • Transportation Financial Management System (TFMS) used to support Surface Deployment Distribution Command (SDDC) transportation payments.
  • Corps of Engineers Financial Management Systems (CEFMS)
  • Enterprise Business System (EBS) used to support Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) payments
  • Financial Accounting and Budget System (FABS) used to support Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) telecommunications payments
  • OnePay (OP), which supports Department of Navy payments
  • Integrated Accounts Payable Systems (IAPS), which supports Air Force payments>
  • Computerized Accounts Payable System-Windows (CAPSW), which supports U.S. Marine Corp, Army and Defense Agency payments

The remainder of the DoD payment systems are in various stages of modification.  A full systems schedule is not available, but updates will be provided as the other DoD Entitlement systems become capable.

The rule changes were published as part of interim guidance that removed the word “disadvantaged” from the language at DFARS 232.903 and DFARS 232.906 (a)(ii).



Fund Code Appropriations
WAWF Reject Requests
Contract and Vendor Payment Information Guidebook
DOD Miscellaneous Payments Guidebook


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Have an idea for DFAS but don't see it included in the contract list?  Read about "Unsolicited Proposals" here.

DoD Contracting Community Access to ASK-FM Payment Histories
Page updated Dec. 26, 2024