DFAS Bundling Policy

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 7.107-5 requires Public notification of an Agency contract bundling policy regarding the solicitation of teaming and joint ventures.
The FAR sections that cover policy related to contract consolidation and bundling are:

  • FAR 7.107-1 —General
  • FAR 7.107-2 —Consolidation of contract requirements
  • FAR 7.107-3 —Bundling
  • FAR 7.107-4—Substantial Bundling
  • FAR 7.107-5—Notifications (to small business contractors of intent to bundle)
  • FAR 7.107-6—Applicable Solicitation Provision (FAR 52.207-6)
  • FAR Subpart 8.4- Federal Supply Schedules
  • FAR Part 10- Market Research
  • FAR Subpart 12.3- Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses for the Acquisition of Commercial Items.

Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) procedures for processing requests for bundling or consolidation will be strictly in accordance with FAR 7. FAR 7 states Acquisition planning should begin as soon as the agency need is identified, preferably well in advance of the fiscal year in which contract award or order placement is necessary. Part 7 also clarifies that agencies are to ensure that unnecessary and unjustified consolidation is avoided. It also covers guidance related to consolidation, bundling, or substantial bundling.

Review of a consolidated or bundled acquisition must be routed through, and gain concurrence from, the DFAS Office of Small Business Programs and the DFAS Competition Advocate. FAR 7.107-4(b) reflects the elements that must be addressed and supported for bundling, while 15 U.S. Code § 657q - reflects the elements that must be addressed and supported for consolidation.

Permission to proceed with a consolidated or bundled acquisition must be attained from the DFAS Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) prior to proceeding with either requirement type.

For bundling issues or questions, contact Michael Turner, DFAS Office of Small Business Programs. For Acquisition Strategy reviews involving substantial bundling, contact Michael Turner (michael.e.turner102.civ@mail.mil or 614-701-2789) and Pete Joyce, Associate Competition Advocate, (peter.j.joyce2.civ@mail.mil or 614-701-2763) from the DFAS Contract Policy & Compliance Office.