Access the AskFM Dashboard. 

If you need assistance or would like to provide feedback, please email us.

How To Use AskFM

You may be asked to select your certificate before getting the consent page; select the one you used to get your account in SAAR when you requested access to ASK-FM.

AskFM acess screen

Step 1 - Select Public Folders

Select Public Folders. Click on “+” to expand public folders. Select :  “Army Contract Payments”.

AskFM Public Folder Screen

Step 2 - Choose your report

After you have selected "Army Contract Payments", you'll see two reports listed.

Select the VIEW button under the report you need:
  • ODS Document History for contigency documents
  • Pay History by Contract No. or DRN for pay history
The Dashboard application will display the report as it looked the last time it was saved. Chose the document history report

Step 3 - ODS Document History

If you chose to view the ODS Document History, you will see the following screen.

To get current data, select the refresh data button on the upper right side of the screen. You will be prompted to type in the document number.

ODS Document History

Step 4 - Type in the document number

Type in the document number.

To refresh the data for the currently displayes document number, select RUN QUERY.

To get another document, type in the document number and again select RUN QUERY.

Do not select "Refresh Values", it will cause an error.  If you do get an error message, click OK and continue typing in the document number or running the query.
AskFM contract number screen

Step 5 - Pay History by contract number or DRN

The "Pay Hist by Contract No or DRN" report has 2 tabs at the bottom of the report. You can choose to view the information by Contract Number or by Document Reference Number (DRN).

To get current data, select REFRESH DATA button on the upper right side of the screen.

AskFM Pay history by contrac number or DRN


Step 6 - How to select a different Contract/DRN

After you have selected "Refresh Data" in step 5, the following screen will appear.


For a different Contract/DRN combination, you must select and type in the DRN (or % for all DRNs for the specified Contract Number) and the Contract Number (or % for all contracts related the specified DRN).  You must specify either a DRN or Contract number; the % sign is a wildcard to fill in the number you do not have.  (i.e. you have the DRN but not the Contract Number or the other way around). 

Now click RUN QUERY.

AskFM run query screen

Step 7 - Print report

Any report can be saved to your computer as an Excel Spreadsheet by selecting Document/Save to my computer as/Excel.


You will be prompted to “save as” and where to save.

NOTE:  If you receive an error message box, click ok and resume what you're doing.  If it won't allow you to continue, start over. (There could be a server error preventing you from continuing.) 

AskFM save your report as an exportable excel file