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From Our Partners: Army Colonel Extends His Commitment to Public Service after Retiring

When Colonel Colin Huckins retired from active duty in the US Army at Fort Sumter, he walked away from many things in his military career.  However, he did not walk away from the charities he supported through the CFC. 

Huckins transferred his giving from payroll deduction to giving out of his annuity, a feature introduced in 2017 for military and civilian retirees.

“This program falls perfectly in line with the public service career that active-duty members and civilians have had throughout their career.  It is a great chance to continue to donate toward a cause, but it is also a great chance to establish partnerships that can last a very long time. These partnerships will not only better your community, but also the nation and the world,” said Col. Colin Huckins, who recently retired and lives in Columbia SC. 

CFC is a worldwide operation comprised of 36 zones, with one responsible for overseas and the rest within the United States. If you want to find out what charities are doing where you live, you can search through the charity list or visit the CFC page for your hometown at www.GiveCFC.org

“Many people within local organizations are members of the CFC,” Huckins said.  “Because military retirees are one of the largest groups of older adults in the country, many people look to us for sustained leadership.  CFC helps us continue to answer that call to serve.”

Recently, CFC also has had special solicitation periods for COVID-19 and for the Winter Storms that affected the Midwest and south. 

The extensive list of opportunities is almost endless, and last year alone, retirees pledged more than $2.5 million to CFC charities.  With the new annuity deduction, retirees are the fastest-growing group of CFC givers. 

“CFC and the charities in this campaign are so appreciative of the generosity of retirees, said CFC national director Keith Willingham from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management which oversees the campaign. 

“We could not do what we do without retires who volunteer their money in support of the annual campaign.”

“There is a strong bond between the military retirees and the causes that support veterans, active-duty members, and anyone in need where they live.  “What I truly find remarkable, is that none of us can do this alone.  Not only do we rely on the local community, but the local community relies on us,” said DoD retiree Louis Torchia.  “There is almost no need to separate us because we are all one. We all represent the community where we live, the nation we served, and the world that we keep safe.”

If you previously supported CFC charities in a former military career, you could transfer that gift to your annuity by updating your CFC profile in the Donation Portal.  If not, you can enter a new pledge.  For anyone who does not want to use the e-Giving systems, CFC will still process pledges mailed in using the special Retiree Form you can get at https://cfcnca.givecfc.org/sites/cfcnca/files/2020-11/508%202020%20CFC%20Retiree%20Pledge%20Form.pdf

Visit www.givecfc.org to learn more about the campaign, participating charities, and opportunities.  If you have questions, then call the CFC Help Center 1-800-797-0098 (8 a.m. - 6 p.m. CST) or visit: cfcgiving.opm.gov/contact.


Page updated Sept 29, 2021