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Applying for CRSC

Military retirees who receive Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) pay and think they are eligible for Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC) must apply to their branch of service.
When to Apply
You should submit a CRSC application if:
  • you think you are eligible for CRSC and have never applied.
  • you have been approved for CRSC, but you have more disabilities that you think might qualify.
  • the VA has recently added more disabilities to your rating that you think might qualify.

The VA recently expanded coverage to those suffering from the following medical conditions associated with Agent Orange.

  • Ischemic Heart Disease
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Hairy Cell Leukemia
  • other Chronic B-cell Leukemia

If you have received a VA rating that includes one of these conditions, you should consider applying or reapplying for CRSC.

How to Apply

1. If you are applying for the first time, complete DD Form 2860. If you are reapplying for new disabilities, request a reconsideration application from your branch of service.

2. Include documents you feel will help your case. These might include:

  • Retirement orders
  • 20-year letter or statement of service (for reservists)
  • Relevant pages in your VA or service medical record
  • VA ratings
  • Purple Heart award citations
  • Retirement Form DD214

Your branch will make decisions based on what you send. The quality of the information is more important than quantity.

Send copies, not original documents. Your branch will not return them.


Mailing Address

Telephone, Email and Internet

 Department of the Army
 U.S. Army Human Resources Command
 ATTN: CRSC Division
 1600 Spearhead Division Avenue
 Fort Knox, KY 40122


 Telephone: 866-281-3254 (Toll Free)

 E-mail: crsc.info@us.army.mil

 Internet: https://www.hrc.army.mil/content/CRSC%20(Combat-Related%20Special%20Compensation)                                   




Navy and Marine Corps

Mailing Address

Telephone, Email and Internet

 Department of Navy
 Secretary of the Navy Council of Review Boards
 Combat Related Special Compensation
 720 Kennon Street SE, Suite 309
 Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5023

Telephone: 877-366-2772 (Toll Free)

 Email: CRSC@navy.mil

 Internet: http://www.secnav.navy.mil/mra/CORB/Pages/CRSCB     


Air Force and Space Force

Mailing Address

Telephone, Email and Internet

 550 C St West
 JBSA Randolph TX 78150

 Create Mypers Account: https://mypers.af.mil/app/create1

 Submit CRSC Application/Claim: https://myfss.us.af.mil/USAFCommunity/s/knowledge-detail?pid=kA0t0000000LHY4CAO       
 Note: if you are unable to access the link, please search by the knowledge article:000002298        

4. Your branch of service will notify you of their decision in writing. If approved, they will forward us a copy of your approval letter.

5. Please see the How Long Does It Take page for typical processing time frames. 

Find out more about the VA Waiver, CRDP and CRSC on the webpage: Understanding the VA Waiver and Retired Pay/CRDP/CRSC Adjustments

Page Updated Jun 25 2024