Quick Tools

Forms Library

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M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET

Quick Tools for Retirees, SBP Annuitants and Survivors

On this page you will find links to our most popular self-service tools for retirees, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) annuitants, and survivors below for your convenience. For news and additional resources, please visit our other web pages on DFAS.mil.

Retirees, start here
SBP Annuitants or Survivors, start here

To Report the Death of a Retiree using our convenient online tool, click here.

To Report the Death of an SBP Annuitant using our convenient online tool, click here.

Check Out Our New Online Tools to Make Managing Your Pay Account Easier! 

With our askDFAS self-serve tools, you can conveniently update your mailing address, request a duplicate 1099-R tax statement, or request verification of pay using an online form. Simply and securely submit forms and documents online using our askDFAS Online Upload tools. Use our askDFAS “Ask a Question” tools to send a question and get a response via askDFAS.
Retirees: See our online tools explainer webpage for retirees
SBP Annuitants: See our online tools explainer webpage for annuitants


1099-R Online Reissue Tool

 Request a duplicate mailed copy of your 1099-R using our convenient online tool. The IRS Form 1099-R is used to report the distribution of retirement benefits such as pensions and annuities, similar to a W-2 for taxable wages. DFAS issues 1099-Rs, either electronically or by mail, no later than January 31 each year – please allow time for the mail to arrive. Requests for re-issuance of a 1099-R are available through the above link (usually beginning the second week of February).

What to Do When a Military Retiree Dies

Please see our webpage that outlines how to report and death and the steps to take after the death is reported.
We also have a helpful "When a Military Retiree Dies" Checklist you can download and follow as you complete the steps.

myPay - https://mypay.dfas.mil

 myPay is a convenient tool for getting your tax documents quickly and easily, as well as managing your retired pay account year-round. myPay provides access to a range of information about your payments. Log in to myPay at https://mypay.dfas.mil to conveniently:
  • Get a ‘Verification of Pay’ letter
  • Download your tax documents
  • Update your contact information
  • Change your tax withholding
  • Change direct deposit or allotments
  • Check your SBP coverage or your AOP beneficiary

Form Wizards

 Form Wizards “take the form out of the form” by walking you through the information needed to help ensure that all necessary fields are completed properly. The Form Wizards also have a helpful link to submit the form through an askDFAS online upload tool. Plus, some offer the option of signing electronically.
  Retiree Form Wizard - DD Form 2656-6:
The DD 2656-6 Form Wizard will help you fill out the DD 2656-6 – Survivor Benefit Plan Election Change Certificate form
. - Get it on our Forms Library Webpage

The form wizard will ask you a series of questions and fill in your answers in the appropriate areas of the form. When you have finished answering the questions, you can click a button to generate a ready-to-print PDF with your answers. Please remember you will need to sign, date and have a Notary or SBP Counselor witness this form, then submit it to DFAS, along with the appropriate supporting documentation. 

 Retiree Form Wizard - DD Form 2894:
Beneficiary Update – DD Form 2894 – Form Wizard
or Blank Form - Get them on our Forms Library Webpage

This form allows you to update the beneficiary information on file so that your loved ones receive your Arrears of Pay (AOP) according to your wishes. The AOP is the prorated final pay entitlement following your death. It is important to keep you beneficiary information updated at all times. This includes Name, Beneficiary Allocation Percentage, Relationship, and Address/Contact Information.
 For more information about Designating an AOP Beneficiary, click here.
 For more information about Managing Your AOP Beneficiary, click here.

Change of Address

  askDFAS Online Retiree Change of Address Tool
 Use this online tool to quickly and easily request an update to the address on file for your retired pay account.
  Retiree Change of Address Request/State Tax Withholding Authorization Form – DD Form 2866 - Get it on our Forms Library Webpage
 This form is used to change a member's address in the military retired pay system so the information is current and accurate, and also allows the member to start, stop, or change state income tax withholding. Both of these actions are also available separately through the retiree’s myPay account. 

askDFAS Online Tools

 Our askDFAS online tools allow you to simply and securely submit documents and requests to DFAS for processing. Using askDFAS to submit your documents and requests is far superior to mail or fax. Many document uploads will also receive status notifications as they are processed! See our explainer webpage for how to use the online tools.

Retiree Customer Guide to Online Tools

 Get this helpful guide to our online tools and resources for retirees.

SBP Annuitants / Survivors

1099-R Online Reissue Tool

 Request a duplicate mailed copy of your 1099R using our convenient online tool. The IRS Form 1099-R is used to report the distribution of retirement benefits such as pensions and annuities, similar to a W-2 for taxable wages. DFAS issues 1099-Rs, either electronically or by mail, no later than January 31 each year – please allow time for the mail to arrive. Requests for re-issuance of a 1099-R are available through the above link usually beginning the second week of February.

What to Do When a Military Retiree Dies

Please see our webpage that outlines how to report a death and the steps to take after the death is reported.
We also have a helpful "When a Military Retiree Dies" Checklist you can download and follow as you complete the steps.

What to Do When a SBP Annuitant Dies

Please see our webpage that outlines how to report a death and the process following.
We also have a helpful "What to Do When a SBP Annuitant Dies" Checklist you can download and follow. 

myPay for SBP Annuitants - https://mypay.dfas.mil

 myPay is a convenient tool for getting your tax documents quickly and easily, as well as managing your annuity pay account year-round. myPay provides access to a range of information about your payments. Log in to myPay at https://mypay.dfas.mil to conveniently:
  • Download your tax documents
  • Update your contact information
  • Change your federal tax withholding
  • Change your direct deposit

Form Wizards

 Form Wizards “take the form out of the form” by walking you through the information needed to help ensure that all necessary fields are completed properly. The Form Wizards also have a helpful link to submit the form through an askDFAS online upload tool. Plus, some offer the option of signing electronically.
 SBP Annuitant / Survivor Form Wizards available:
  Start an SBP Annuity – DD Form 2656-7—Form Wizard or Blank Form - Get them on our Forms Library Webpage
 This is the form to start an SBP annuity. **Please see our “Start an Annuity” webpage for important information about the DD Form 2656-7 to start an SBP annuity.
  Arrears of Pay for a Deceased Retiree – SF 1174 – Form Wizard or Blank Form - Get them on our Forms Library Webpage

 This form is used to file a claim for unpaid compensation of deceased member of the uniformed services (Arrears of Pay is the retiree’s final paycheck entitlement). For more information on Arrears of Pay, visit here. 
(Please note: for Arrears of Annuity, please visit here)
  Child Annuitant’s School Certification – DD Form 2788 – Form Wizard or Blank Form - Get them on our Forms Library Webpage
 DFAS uses this information to determine the continued eligibility of child annuitants who are receiving annuity payments from the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) or the Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan. Once the child annuitant reaches age 18, it must be verified that the child is attending a qualifying school on a full time basis in order to be entitled to annuity payments. For more information on school certification, visit here
  Representative Payee Certification – DD Form 9415 – Form Wizard or Blank Form - Get them on our Forms Library Webpage
 DFAS uses this form to establish a representative payee to receive survivor annuity payments on behalf of a minor, mentally incompetent, or otherwise legally disabled person for whom a guardian or other fiduciary has not been appointed. For more information on Powers of Attorney and Third Party Representatives for Annuitants, visit here.

askDFAS Online Tools 

 Our askDFAS online tools allow you to simply and securely submit documents and requests to DFAS for processing. Using askDFAS to submit your documents and requests is far superior to mail or fax. Many document uploads will also receive status notifications as they are processed! See our explainer webpage for how to use the online tools.
 Get this helpful guide to our online tools and resources for SBP annuitants.


Page Updated Sep 20 2024