Supplemental Voucher
If the PCS voucher was not fully paid due to an error or omission, submit a supplemental travel voucher. Your local pay office will walk through the necessary steps to complete a supplemental claim.
Make sure you use the DD 1351-2 Form dated May 2011.
The following information and documentation must be included:
- A DD 1351-2 marked ‘SUPPLEMENTAL’ with a full explanation of the item(s) that are in error
- A copy of the Advice of Payment for the original payment made on the voucher in question
- A copy of the initial DD 1351-2 and continuation sheets (if any)
- A copy of the travel orders and any amendments
- A copy of all supporting documentation applicable to the supplemental claim
If not available, provide a written statement attesting to the accuracy of items claimed for which no receipt is available. Statements should reflect the same information that would have been on the receipt.
- Completed Temporary Lodging Expense worksheet (DFAS Form 9098 – May 2009)
Submit Supplemental Vouchers directly to the local pay office. If unable to submit the supplemental voucher to the local pay office, fax the supplemental voucher to 317-275-0277.
Page updated October 20, 2020