Supplemental Voucher


If the PCS voucher was not fully paid due to an error or omission, submit a supplemental travel voucher. Your local pay office will walk through the necessary steps to complete a supplemental claim. 

Make sure you use the DD 1351-2 Form dated May 2011.

The following information and documentation must be included:

  1. A DD 1351-2 marked ‘SUPPLEMENTAL’ with a full explanation of the item(s) that are in error
  2. A copy of the Advice of Payment for the original payment made on the voucher in question
  3. A copy of the initial DD 1351-2 and continuation sheets (if any)
  4. A copy of the travel orders and any amendments
  5. A copy of all supporting documentation applicable to the supplemental claim
    If not available, provide a written statement attesting to the accuracy of items claimed for which no receipt is available. Statements should reflect the same information that would have been on the receipt.
  6. Completed Temporary Lodging Expense worksheet (DFAS Form 9098 – May 2009)

Submit Supplemental Vouchers directly to the local pay office. If unable to submit the supplemental voucher to the local pay office, fax the supplemental voucher to 317-275-0277.

Page updated October 20, 2020