Military Members

Secondary Dependency – Student (Ages 21 or 22)

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Unmarried children ages 21 and 22 who are enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education on a full-time basis. Below you will find the forms and instructions necessary to claim a student as a Secondary Dependent.

NOTE: A DFAS dependency determination for the student is required for Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) only. A Uniformed Services Identification and Privileges (USIP) Card may be obtained at your nearest military ID card issuing facility.


How to Qualify for a Secondary Dependent?

To qualify as a Secondary Dependent:

  • The claimed individual is under age 23 years old.
  • The claimed individual is enrolled in a full-time course of study in an accredited institution of higher learning leading to an associate’s degree or higher.
  • Sponsors must provide more than one-half (50 percent) of the claimed individual’s support. You must prove financial dependency to qualify. See Who can be a Secondary Dependent for more information.

DFAS does not process dependency claim determinations for Air Force, Space Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or Public Health Service. For additional assistance or to find answers to your questions, please contact the appropriate agency here.

How to Apply for a Secondary Dependent?

Click on your Branch of Service below to find out what is required to apply.
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Submitting your request is as simple as 1…2…3… just follow the steps below to apply for Secondary Dependency benefits.

Decorative image about completing DD Form 1351-2

A DFAS dependency determination is required for Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) only. A Uniformed Services Identification and Privileges card (aka USIP ID) may be obtained at your nearest military ID card issuing facility. If you’re already receiving BAH, not eligible for BAH, or not interested in pursuing BAH, please stop here and visit your nearest military ID card issuing facility.

1. Gather the Required Documents

  • DD Form 137 - Secondary Dependency Application
  • Prior Year’s Tax Return Submitted to the IRS Showing the Claimed Individual as a Dependent.
    If you do not want to share or are unable to provide a copy of your tax returns, complete and return the Worksheet for Determining Financial Support to demonstrate financial support of the claimed individual. The worksheet starts on page 5 of the DD137.
  • Proof of of School Registration
    A letter from the school registrar or the National Student Clearinghouse enrollment verification, certifying full-time course of study leading to an associate’s degree or higher and anticipated graduation date.
  • Relationship Documents
    The complete chain of documentation to prove sponsor-dependent relationship (e.g., birth certificate, marriage certificate, consent order of paternity, etc.)

*You will need to send more than one document. Failure to provide supporting documents may delay or prevent consideration of your application.

2. Complete the DD Form 137

Complete a DD Form 137 – Secondary Dependency Application.

Adobe Acrobat PDF Document Image. Click to download form. Fillable PDF: Secondary Dependency Application, click here*Please note: You may need to right click to download or save the documents to your computer before you are able to fill them out.*

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Common mistakes to avoid to ensure your application for Secondary Dependency is ready to submit when you are.

  • When possible, all forms must be filled out completely.
  • Status – mark ‘X’ to indicate your current service status.
  • Remarks (if applicable) – if adding remarks, please identify the block number from the DD 137 Form the remarks relate to.
  • Signatures – make sure all signatures are completed.
  • Foreign documentation - additional requirements are applied toward the verification of foreign eligibility documentation submitted to support enrollment of a dependent, including: (A) A full English language translation, which the translator has certified as complete and accurate, and the translator's certification of competency to translate from the foreign language into English, in accordance with 8 CFR 103.2(b)(3). Translation must be provided by a translator other than the individual presenting the document. (B) A written Judge Advocate General (JAG) or local Staff Judge Advocate (SJA opinion) confirming use of the eligibility documentation, if the uniformed service member is stationed overseas. (C) Documentation that attests to the genuineness of the signature and seal, or the position of the foreign official who executed, issued, or certified the foreign documentation being presented to substantiate the dependency relationship to the sponsor.
  • We strongly recommend that you save every document provided to DFAS to prove financial dependency and relations to claimed individual; these items may be needed for approval of your Secondary Dependency request.

3. Apply

All applications processed by DFAS can be submitted one of two ways…

AskDFAS submit button, click to submit your packet to request an installment payment.

After submitting your document(s), a ticket number will be emailed to you for reference and updates. Please keep this ticket number until a final determination.

  • U.S. Mail: Alternatively, you can submit your application by mail to the address found here. Make sure you review instructions and have included all required documents prior to mailing your application. 

Please note: Applications for Secondary Dependency are NOT accepted via fax or email.

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Air Force / Space Force

Disclaimer: The following is for informational purposes only. For SDC questions or guidance, please contact the Total Force Service Center (TFSC) for 24/7 support at 1-800-525-0102 or submit a myFSS ticket.

1. Gather the Required Documents

  • DD Form 137 - Secondary Dependency Application
  • Prior Year’s Tax Return Submitted to the IRS Showing the Claimed Individual as a Dependent.
    If you do not want to share or are unable to provide a copy of your tax returns, complete and return the Worksheet for Determining Financial Support to demonstrate financial support of the claimed individual. The worksheet starts on page 5 of the DD137.
  • Proof of of School Registration
    A letter from the school registrar or the National Student Clearinghouse enrollment verification, certifying full-time course of study leading to an associate’s degree or higher and anticipated graduation date.
  • Relationship Documents
    The complete chain of documentation to prove sponsor-dependent relationship (e.g., birth certificate, marriage certificate, consent order of paternity, etc.)

*You will need to send more than one document. Failure to provide supporting documents may delay or prevent consideration of your application.

2. Complete the DD Form 137

Complete a DD Form 137 – Secondary Dependency Application.

Adobe Acrobat PDF Document Image. Click to download form. Fillable PDF: Secondary Dependency Application, click here*Please note: You may need to right click to download or save the documents to your computer before you are able to fill them out.*

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Common mistakes to avoid to ensure your application for Secondary Dependency is ready to submit when you are.

  • When possible, all forms must be filled out completely.
  • Status – mark ‘X’ to indicate your current service status.
  • Remarks (if applicable) – if adding remarks, please identify the block number from the DD 137 Form the remarks relate to.
  • Signatures – make sure all signatures are completed.
  • Foreign documentation - additional requirements are applied toward the verification of foreign eligibility documentation submitted to support enrollment of a dependent, including: (A) A full English language translation, which the translator has certified as complete and accurate, and the translator's certification of competency to translate from the foreign language into English, in accordance with 8 CFR 103.2(b)(3). Translation must be provided by a translator other than the individual presenting the document. (B) A written Judge Advocate General (JAG) or local Staff Judge Advocate (SJA opinion) confirming use of the eligibility documentation, if the uniformed service member is stationed overseas. (C) Documentation that attests to the genuineness of the signature and seal, or the position of the foreign official who executed, issued, or certified the foreign documentation being presented to substantiate the dependency relationship to the sponsor.
  • We strongly recommend that you save every document provided to DFAS to prove financial dependency and relations to claimed individual; these items may be needed for approval of your Secondary Dependency request.

3. Apply

All applications processed by the Air Force/Space Force can be submitted online.

AskDFAS submit button, click to submit your packet to request an installment payment.

DISCLAIMER: DFAS does not process dependency claim determinations for Air Force/Space Force, submissions through AskDFAS will be directed to the appropriate office for processing. For questions, guidance or status inquires please contact the Total Force Service Center (TFSC) for 24/7 support at 1-800-525-0102 or submit a myFSS ticket.

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Submitting your request is as simple as 1…2…3… just follow the steps below to apply for Secondary Dependency benefits.

Decorative image about completing DD Form 1351-2

A DFAS dependency determination is required for Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) only. A Uniformed Services Identification and Privileges card (aka USIP ID) may be obtained at your nearest military ID card issuing facility. If you’re already receiving BAH, not eligible for BAH, or not interested in pursuing BAH, please stop here and visit your nearest military ID card issuing facility.

1. Gather the Required Documents

  • DD Form 137 - Secondary Dependency Application
  • Prior Year’s Tax Return Submitted to the IRS Showing the Claimed Individual as a Dependent.
    If you do not want to share or are unable to provide a copy of your tax returns, complete and return the Worksheet for Determining Financial Support to demonstrate financial support of the claimed individual. The worksheet starts on page 5 of the DD137.
  • Proof of of School Registration
    A letter from the school registrar or the National Student Clearinghouse enrollment verification, certifying full-time course of study leading to an associate’s degree or higher and anticipated graduation date.
  • Relationship Documents
    The complete chain of documentation to prove sponsor-dependent relationship (e.g., birth certificate, marriage certificate, consent order of paternity, etc.)

*You will need to send more than one document. Failure to provide supporting documents may delay or prevent consideration of your application.

2. Complete the DD Form 137

Complete a DD Form 137 – Secondary Dependency Application.

Adobe Acrobat PDF Document Image. Click to download form. Fillable PDF: Secondary Dependency Application, click here*Please note: You may need to right click to download or save the documents to your computer before you are able to fill them out.*

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Common mistakes to avoid to ensure your application for Secondary Dependency is ready to submit when you are.

  • When possible, all forms must be filled out completely.
  • Status – mark ‘X’ to indicate your current service status.
  • Remarks (if applicable) – if adding remarks, please identify the block number from the DD 137 Form the remarks relate to.
  • Signatures – make sure all signatures are completed.
  • Foreign documentation - additional requirements are applied toward the verification of foreign eligibility documentation submitted to support enrollment of a dependent, including: (A) A full English language translation, which the translator has certified as complete and accurate, and the translator's certification of competency to translate from the foreign language into English, in accordance with 8 CFR 103.2(b)(3). Translation must be provided by a translator other than the individual presenting the document. (B) A written Judge Advocate General (JAG) or local Staff Judge Advocate (SJA opinion) confirming use of the eligibility documentation, if the uniformed service member is stationed overseas. (C) Documentation that attests to the genuineness of the signature and seal, or the position of the foreign official who executed, issued, or certified the foreign documentation being presented to substantiate the dependency relationship to the sponsor.
  • We strongly recommend that you save every document provided to DFAS to prove financial dependency and relations to claimed individual; these items may be needed for approval of your Secondary Dependency request.

3. Apply

All applications processed by DFAS can be submitted one of two ways…

AskDFAS button, click to be taken to AskDFAS.

After submitting your document(s), a ticket number will be emailed to you for reference and updates. Please keep this ticket number until a final determination.
  • U.S. Mail: Alternatively, you can submit your application by mail to the address found here. Make sure you review instructions and have included all required documents prior to mailing your application. 

Please note: Applications for secondary dependency are not accepted via fax or email.

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How to Maintain Secondary Dependency Status (Redetermination)

To maintain benefits, sponsors must continue to provide over 50 percent support and are required to submit a Secondary Dependency redetermination. When to submit the redetermination varies based on the benefits the dependent receives. 

When to apply for redetermination…

Decorative calendar icon.
  • Annual redetermination is required for a sponsor who receives a housing allowance (BAH) for a secondary dependent.
  • A DFAS dependency determination for the student is required for Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) only. A Uniformed Services Identification and Privileges (USIP) Card may be obtained at your nearest military ID card issuing facility.
  • Sponsors may apply up to 90 days prior to their Secondary Dependent status expiration.
  • DoD will send the sponsor an email or a postcard reminder approximately 90 days before the redetermination deadline. Be sure to keep your contact information current in MilConnect so that you will receive timely notification to submit your redetermination.

Things to keep in mind about redetermination…
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  • To apply for redetermination, submit a full Secondary Dependency application; for instructions on how to apply review, “How to Apply for a Secondary Dependent” above.
  • Failure to re-certify any Secondary Dependent will result in the suspension of benefits received on behalf of that dependent and the potential for a debt. Regardless of redetermination type, sponsors may apply up to, but no sooner than, 90 days prior to their secondary dependent status expiration.
  • Should your Secondary Dependents’ status lapse and your BAH is stopped, you will not be authorized back payment of BAH for the period during which the individual(s) were not officially recognized as a dependent.

For additional information about redetermination requirements, please check out MilConnect FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Didn’t find the answer you were looking for? No problem, we have you covered with common questions about the secondary dependency process.

To view the most Frequently Asked Questions about the Secondary Dependency claims process click here.  Additionally, your personnel or finance office can help get you answers to Secondary Dependency questions.

Return to the Secondary Dependency Homepage

Page Updated Jan. 27, 2025