Credit cards are no longer accepted as payment for from. Amazon Pay and PayPal accounts (linked to credit cards) are not be available as payment options. payment options are bank debit cards, checking and saving accounts (ACH) and PayPaL (linked to checking and saving accounts only - ACH). |
If your service code is: DE, IN, KC, CL and you are using a PC PAY HERE.
If your service code is: DE, IN, KC, CL mobile-friendly form PAY HERE.
Form Description: Individual debts owed to DoD by former military members or former federal employees. Payment can be made online using bank account information, debit card or PayPal (linked to checking and saving accounts only - ACH).
Need help filling out your form? Check out our latest eTutorial on YouTube
If your service code is: IS PAY HERE
Army Travel Debt Payment (IS Code Only)
Form Description: Travel debts owed by Army service members who have received a debt notice with an account number beginning with IS. Payment can be made online using bank account information, debit card or PayPal (linked to checking and saving accounts only - ACH).
Contact Information:
If your service code is: RM PAY HERE
Link to the Voluntary Repayment Agreement (VRA) and the Financial Hardship Application (FHA)
If you have any questions regarding your service code or don't see a service code listed, please contact the customer service number listed on your bill.
Page updated January 14, 2021