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Guidance pertaining to remissions are based upon different subsections of the U.S. Code, depending on the status of the member.
- 10 U.S.C §2774 for Military Members
- 32 U.S.C §716 for National Guard Members
- 10 U.S.C §6161 for Navy and Marine Corps Remissions
Documentation to support the request for remission. You should send any documents you have pertaining to the debt. Required documentation includes the following:
- Forms that authorized the payments, which caused the debt.
- Leave and Earnings Statements (LESs) – 1 month prior to and 1 month after debt period.
- If there has been a formal investigation which concludes the debt was the result of fraud, you must include the report and all exhibits referenced in the report.
- Please support or justify your recommendation for approval or denial in block 29. Additional supporting documentation MAY include the following:
- Dependency Information (Page 2's)
- Proof of Child Support Payments
Remission requests are processed by their respective agencies as noted below: