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Completing your Waiver/Remission of Indebtedness Application DD Form 2789

Decorative Flag IconWhat is a DD Form 2789

The DD Form 2789 is used by military members (active, separated, or retired), annuitants, civilian employees (current, former, or retired), and by former spouses to request a waiver of indebtedness collection for erroneous payments of salary, pay/allowances, and expense reimbursement or allowances for travel, transportation, and relocation; or in the case of enlisted members, remission of these debts.

We accept full and partial payments for out-of-service debts, including payments toward an installment agreement. Penalties and interest will continue to grow until you pay the full balance.

Decorative Key IconKey Points Before You Get Started
  • We cannot process your waiver request if you dispute your debt. You have the right to request an audit before you proceed with the waiver application process. Once your audit is complete, you can pursue a waiver. If your account was audited, ensure that you attach the results of your audit, and a statement acknowledging the validity of the debt, with the waiver application.
  • Provide all documents that describe how and why the debt occurred to support your waiver application.  If you reference a document in your waiver application you must provide the document.
  • The DD Form 2789 must be submitted within 3-5 years of the date the debt was discovered by a pay official.
    • Civilian Employees (Current or Former) and Annuitants claimants have 3 years to submit their application.
    • Military Members, Retirees, and Former Spouses claimants have 5 years to submit their application.
  • Make sure you include appropriate signatures and dates prior to submission.
  • Incomplete DD Form 2789 may delay or prevent consideration of your waiver request.

Instructions for Completing the DD Form 2789

Carefully read and complete all information as requested below, and be sure to include any required documentation with your submission. If DFAS does not receive a valid DD Form 2789, the indebtedness will continue to be collected from your pay account.

  • Box 1: TYPE OF CLAIM: Place an ‘X’ in ‘Waiver’ box
  • Box 2: NAME: Enter the debtor’s last name, first name, and middle initial.
  • Box 3: RANK/GRADE:
    • Military: Rank
    • Retirees: Retired rank/rate
    • Annuitants: Not applicable.
    • Civilians: Grade
    • Former Spouse: Not applicable.
  • Box 4: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: Enter the debtor’s complete 9 digit SSN.
    • Military: Branch of Service
    • Retirees: Branch of Service
    • Annuitants: Select “Other” and specify “Annuitant”.
    • Civilians: Select “Other” and specify what Agency at the time of debt.
    • Former Spouse: Select “Other” and specify “Former Spouse.”
  • Box 6: STATUS: X applicable block and provide date (YYYYMMDD) in the appropriate box.
    • Active: List Date in EOE (End of Enlistment period)
    • Guard/Reserve: List Date in EOE (End of Enlistment period)
    • Retirees: List Date in DOR (Date of Retirement)
    • Separated: List Date in DOS (Date of Separation)
    • DoD Civilians: List Date in SCD (Service Computation Date)
    • Annuitant: No Date Required
  • Box 7: CURRENT COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS: Enter the Debtor’s Street, City, State, ZIP Code.
    • Military: Employing Agency/Assignment
    • Retirees: Mark N/A
    • Annuitants: Mark N/A
    • Civilians: Employing Agency
    • Former Spouse: Mark N/A
  • Box 9: TELEPHONE: Include DSN or area code.
  • Enter work telephone number if applicable.
  • Enter either your home or cell telephone number next to ‘HOME’ An email address is required, .gov or .mil e-mail preferred (when applicable).
  • An email address is required, .gov or .mil e-mail preferred (when applicable).
  • Box 10: TYPE OF DEBT OR ERRONEOUS PAYMENT: Enter a brief description of debt. Debt reason can be found on the demand (debt) notification letter. 
  • Box 11: GROSS DEBT AMOUNT: Enter the gross debt amount provided on the demand (debt) notification letter.
  • Box 12: STATE THE DATE AND HOW YOU FIRST BECAME AWARE OF DEBT OR ERRONEOUS PAYMENT (Attach notification, if available): Date demand (debt) notification letter (or other correspondence, if applicable) was received. Include a copy of notification letter or other correspondence when submitting your DD Form 2789.
  • Box 13: IF YOU WERE AWARE OF DEBT OR ERRONEOUS PAYMENT, EXPLAIN THE ACTIONS YOU TOOK TO CORRECT SITUATION: List actions taken to correct the debt or prevent debt from occurring. Explanation can continue on additional pages. Any additional pages and documentation (emails, letters, etc.) showing your attempts should be signed and submitted with the waiver request.
  • Box 14: REASON FOR REQUESTING WAIVER/REMISSION AND WHY YOU BELIEVE IT SHOULD BE APPROVED: Explain why you think the request for waiver should be approved. Submit any additional documentation with the completed request.
  Financial hardship is not a consideration for waiver.  If you're experiencing financial hardship, you have the right to establish a monthly installment repayment. Visit Apply for a Reduced Installment Payment for additional information.
    • Military: Not applicable. Mark N/A
    • Retirees: Not applicable. Mark N/A
    • Annuitants: Enter deceased
    • Civilians: Not applicable. Mark N/A
    • Former Spouse: Not applicable. Mark N/A
  • Box 16a: ATTACH COPIES OF ALL PERTINENT DOCUMENTS: Attach any supporting documentation from boxes 12 through 14.
  Provide all documents that describe how and why the debt occurred to support your waiver application. Example documents MAY include: Request for BAH, Statement of Service, Separation Worksheet, DD Form 214, Travel Voucher, or Notification of Personnel Action.

Note: If you reference a document in your waiver application, you must provide the document. If you’re unable to provide a referenced document, you provide an explanation why document is not available.

  • Box 16b: HR POINT OF CONTACT (Civilian employees only): Enter the Human Resource (HR) point of contact name. The appropriate HR POC can be obtained from your Civilian Payroll Office.
  • Box 16c: HR POINT OF PHONE (Civilian employees only): Enter the Human Resource (HR) point of contact telephone number. The appropriate HR POC contact information can be obtained from your Civilian Payroll Office.
  For boxes 17 – 17b only provide responses in the boxes for your status at the time of the debt. Leave remaining boxes blank. 
  • Box 17: PLEASE PROVIDE COPIES OF ALL PAY RECORDS (LES/RAS/ASS, etc.) INCLUDING THREE PAY PERIODS BEFORE AND AFTER THE DEBT PERIOD (if applicable): Military Members (Current or Former) and Civilian Employees (Current or Former), attach a copy of statements during the time period of the debt, including 3 pay periods before and after the period of indebtedness.
  • Box 17a: I ATTEST I HAVE ATTACHED ALL COPIES OF AVAILABLE PAY RECORDS FROM ________ (DATE) TO ________ (DATE). Specify the dates of available pay records that are attached.
  • Box 17b: ALL RECORDS PROVIDED COVER THE ENTIRE DEBT PERIOD AS STATED ABOVE: Ensure that the records include three pay periods before and after the period of indebtedness. Enter ‘YES’ or ‘NO’.
    • If you answered ‘YES’ - verify all copies of statements during the time period of the debt are attached, including three pay periods before and after the period of indebtedness.
    • If you answered ‘NO’ – provide explanation why on additional pages. Any additional explanations should be signed, dated, and submitted with the completed form.
  • Box 18: HAVE YOU FILED FOR A CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS? Military Members (Current or Former) and Retirees only. Annuitants can request a change through Annuity Pay Office Enter ‘YES’ or ‘NO’.
    • If you answer ‘YES’ - attach a copies of all documentation from the Board of Corrections concerning their findings.
  • Box 19a: SIGNATURE: Electronic or Handwritten Signatures only.

An unsigned DD Form 2789 is considered invalid, cannot be processed, and will be returned.

Note: If DFAS does not receive a valid DD Form 2789, the indebtedness will continue to be collected from your pay account.

    • Military: Enter your Career Field
    • Retirees: Enter Retired
    • Annuitants: Enter Annuitant 
    • Civilians: Enter your Career Field
    • Former Spouse: Enter Former Spouse 
  • Box 19c: DATE SIGNED: Enter the date the form was completed and signed

An unsigned DD Form 2789 is considered invalid, cannot be processed, and will be returned.

Note: If DFAS does not receive a valid DD Form 2789, the indebtedness will continue to be collected from your pay account.

  •  Boxes 20 – 31: Section 1: Active duty/Reserves/Federal Civilian Employees ONLY. 
  • Air Force, Space Force, and Navy active duty and reserve members - Obtain your Commanding Officer’s signature and written statement expressing their opinion of the request for waiver (box 21).
  • Federal civilian employees and service members (including guard and reserves) of the Army, and USMC are not required to provide a supervisor or commander endorsement, but have the option to do so.


Where to Submit Your DD Form 2789


Waiver submission requirements depend on your service status. Visit Learn more about Waivers and Remissions to determine what supporting documentation is required and where to submit your application.

Decorative Call-To-Action, click to learn more about waivers or remissions.

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Page Updated July 11, 2023