Marine Corps Secondary Dependency

MARINE CORPS: Secondary Dependency Applications: Documents, Forms and Hints

Keep it current!

It is important to remember the status of all secondary dependents should be kept current with the office maintaining your claim. If a secondary dependent dies or their status changes, you should send the appropriate notification to your service’s SDC office

NOTE: DFAS does not make secondary dependency claim determinations for the U.S. Marine Corps. The information presented on our website is provided by HQMC (MFP-1) and is also available at the Marine Corps Manpower & Reserve Affairs website.


Your command can approve the following dependents:

  • Spouses
  • Children (born of a marriage)
  • Stepchildren
  • Adopted children
  • Children born out of wedlock may be approved at command level with supporting documentation. Once approved, these claims along with the supporting documents must be forwarded to HQMC (MFP-1) for review.

HQMC (MFP-1) must approve:

  • Incapacitated dependents
  • Full-time college students
  • Wards
  • Parents, parents-in-law, stepparents, and In loco parentis

To be considered sufficiently dependent upon the member, the claimed dependent’s income, not including your contribution, must be less than one-half of the actual living expenses . The law requires the individual to be “in fact” dependent on you, so your contribution must be more than one-half of the dependent’s actual monthly living expenses.

In the case of a deceased  member, the application is submitted including proof that the individual was in fact dependent on the member at the time of the member’s death and for the preceding 12 months.

Get a list of documents and forms needed for your secondary dependency application. We've also made lists of Helpful Hints you can use to make sure the information you submit is complete and correct.

Required Documentation by Type of Claim

The following information will be needed as you complete your initial secondary dependency claim or prepare to file a redetermination package.

Verification of income: If claimed dependent is over the age of 62; or widowed and over the age of 60 and not receiving Social Security payments, we must have a copy of a letter of ineligibility from the Social Security Administration.

Proof of support: If the claimed dependent DOES NOT reside in your household, one or more of the following are required as proof of support: 
  • AD  (discretionary) allotment for the claimed dependent or claimed dependent’s court-appointed custodian. A copy of your current LES includes this information. 
  • Cancelled checks (front & back) to the claimed dependent or claimed dependent’s court-appointed custodian.
  • Money order receipts to the claimed dependent or claimed dependent’s court-appointed custodian.
  • Electronic transfers made out to claimed dependent or claimed dependent’s court-appointed custodian.
  • Copies of bills paid on behalf of dependent may also be used along with proof of payment.
  • If your dependent does not reside with you but lives in a home owned/rented by you, a copy of mortgage statement or rental agreement may also be used.
NOTE: Joint checking accounts, cash contributions or purchase receipts are NOT acceptable forms of proof of support.

Page updated January 5, 2017