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M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET

Change of Address


The quickest and easiest way to update your mailing address is to use myPay.  If you have trouble logging in to myPay, check the troubleshooting instructions on the Using myPay webpage or call 888-332-7411.

If you've never used myPay, visit https://mypay.dfas.mil and click "Forgot or Need a Password" to have a temporary password mailed to you. Once you have received a password, return to the myPay home page and click "Create your myPay Profile" to get started. Enter your SSN and temporary password. Here's our handy downloadable "Get Started with myPay" guide.

1. After logging in, find and select the Correspondence Address link under Pay Changes on the Main Menu
2. Click the Edit button and enter the correct address
3. Submit your changes and click Finish. 
4. Your account will be updated in three to seven business days

askDFAS Online Change of Address Form

Retirees can use our convenient online form to update your mailing address. You must answer identity security questions to have your request processed. 


Paper Form

Complete a Retiree Change of Address/State Tax Withholding Request (DD2866) and mail or fax it to:

For retirees: For annuitants, beneficiaries and survivors
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
U.S. Military Retired Pay
8899 E 56th Street
Indianapolis IN 46249-1200

Fax: 800-469-6559
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
U.S. Military Annuitant Pay
8899 E 56th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46249-1300

Fax: 800-982-8459

Please see the How Long Does It Take page for current time frames to process a paper form. 

Page updated July 16, 2020