The FBI reports that Internet crime continues to rise. Today’s lifestyles means more of us are online to keep in touch with friends and family, purchase retail goods and manage our financial, medical and personal business.
Access to your myPay account is protected by your login credentials (login name and password) and your online habits. myPay is protected by state-of-the-art security and round-the-clock monitoring. But security of your account depends on you!
The current myPay password requirements DoD security rules. Your password must::
- be 9 to 30 characters in length
- Contain at least one UPPERCASE letter
- Contain at least one lowercase letter
- Contain at least one number (0-9)
- NOT include any spaces
- Contain at least one of the following special characters:
# (pound or number sign)
@ (at sign)
$ (dollar sign)
= (equal sign)
+ (plus sign)
% (percent sign)
^ (caret)
! (exclamation)
* (asterisk)
_ (underline/underscore)
Your password expires every 150 days. You will receive an email about 10 days before your password expires to make sure you know to update your password and avoid any delays when you need to access your account. Make sure the email address listed in your profile is current and complete the security questions that help confirm your identity so you can upate online.
Check out our Tips & Tricks and FAQ pages on getting your new password up and running!
When you create your new password or update it in the future, its security depends on you. Whether you rely on your memory, writing down passwords on paper or creating a computer file, it’s vital that your passwords are never exposed to others.
If you must write down your password on a piece of paper, make sure it stays locked up in a secure place. If you save it to your computer, flash drive or other media device, make sure the document is encrypted and/or password protected.
Want to learn more about keeping your online accounts safe? Our Protect Yourself Online has links to actions you should take to help protect your personal information from scams and identity theft.
Page updated May 6, 2022