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What Retirees Can Expect in the Year-End Mail from DFAS 

For retirees who request their tax statements to be sent by postal mail from DFAS each January, we will mail your IRS Form 1099-R along with a special print edition of the DFAS Retiree Newsletter which includes important news for the coming year. 

We will also include a Retiree Account Statement (RAS), which shows the change in your gross and net payment that occurs when there is a cost of living adjustment (COLA) to your pay.

It’s important to note that the effective date of this RAS is the first of December, so its year-to-date summary figures are only for 11 months (the December payment is not included). Therefore, the year-to-date summary figures on this RAS will not match your 1099-R.

If you opted out of receiving mailed delivery of statements, you will not receive this notice in the mail. Your 1099-R and RAS documents are conveniently available to print or download from myPay.

If you are not yet using myPay, it’s easy to get started. Learn how to create a myPay account at https://mypay.dfas.mil.

Note: The information on this website is provided to explain typical situations regarding retiree and annuitant benefits. For details and exceptions, please see applicable laws, financial management regulations, and instructions.
Page Updated Dec 18 2024