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Director's Message

The leaves are all off the trees, the air is cool and crisp here in Cleveland, and there is snow on the ground. That means that it is time for the last Retiree Newsletter of 2024! We have a great newsletter in store for you.

One of the main projects that we have been working on is the refresh of askDFAS. Improving communication with you is high on our priority list. Please read the askDFAS article to see all the ways you can use the askDFAS online tools to better communicate with us, submit forms or documents, and manage your pay online.

Tax season is right around the corner and we have a lot of information on how you can prepare. Check out the article to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Many of you still receive a year-end mailing. We have an article in this newsletter that explains what you can expect to receive in that mailing.

We are approaching the Open Season both Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay (CRDP) and Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC). If you are eligible for both, please pay close attention to this article so you don’t miss this opportunity to make changes.

We also have other articles, including some from our pay partners and one just for retirees in the gray area.

We want to say thank you to those customers who submitted feedback for our annual customer satisfaction survey. We appreciate your participation. Many of our initiatives are created based on your feedback. For example, our refresh of askDFAS this year is a direct result of your feedback to us. We are also proud our overall customer satisfaction rating is 88% positive and have maintained this for the last 3 years running. The annual customer satisfaction survey is emailed or mailed to a random sample of our retiree and annuitant customers in the July – August timeframe. If you receive a survey in 2025, please submit your feedback. We do read every comment!

Please let me extend our sincere thanks and gratitude from all of us here in Retired and Annuitant Pay. It is truly an honor to serve those who served. Have a great holiday season and I will talk to you again in 2025!

Note: The information on this website is provided to explain typical situations regarding retiree and annuitant benefits. For details and exceptions, please see applicable laws, financial management regulations, and instructions.
Page Updated Dec 18 2024