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Important Deadlines for the SBP Open Season Ending January 1, 2024


SBP Open Season

The Deadline for the Survivor Benefit Plan Open Season is January 1, 2024
The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Open Season began on December 23, 2022 and ends at midnight Eastern Standard Time on January 1, 2024.

Open Season Enrollment and Discontinuance Forms must be RECEIVED before midnight Eastern Standard Time on January 1, 2024.

What You Need to Know About Submitting Forms Before the Deadline
We strongly recommend you upload your form via our askDFAS online upload tool to ensure it is received prior to the deadline.

Our final postal mail delivery before the deadline is on Friday, December 29, 2023. If you are mailing a form, we recommend you use mail service with proof of mail date. If we receive a form in the mail after Friday, December 29, 2023, you will need to provide proof that it was postmarked/mailed by the deadline for the request to be valid. You can also fax your form prior to the deadline. There are special forms to enroll or discontinue in accordance with the NDAA 2023 SBP Open Season law and processes.

The forms, deadlines, information, and FAQs are available on our special focus webpage: https://www.dfas.mil/sbpopenseason23.

Individual Estimate Requests No Longer Accepted

We are UNABLE to provide individual estimates for requests received after November 13, 2023. Also, estimate letters for requests we received after November 1, 2023 may not reach you via postal mail in time for you to consider the cost and enroll prior to the enrollment deadline on January 1, 2024.

You Can Enroll Without an Estimate

Enrollment is not contingent upon getting an estimate. YOU CAN ENROLL WITHOUT GETTING AN INDIVIDUAL ESTIMATE. If you decide to enroll, submit an SBP Open Season Enrollment Form.

If you decide to enroll and submit an enrollment form, after we process your enrollment, we will mail you an enrollment confirmation letter that includes the amount of your Buy-In Premium and your monthly premiums.

Please note: You are allowed 30 days from the date you sign the enrollment form to cancel your enrollment. Cancellation must be in writing and must be received within those 30 days.                                                                                                                                              

Examples of SBP Open Season Buy-In Premiums

The SBP Open Season Buy-In Premium examples may assist you in making an enrollment decision without obtaining an individual estimate. See the Example Buy-In Premiums on our webpage: https://www.dfas.mil/sbpopenseason23.

Brief Overview of the Enrollment Process
The SBP Open Season allows for retirees receiving retired pay, eligible members, or former members awaiting retired pay who were NOT participating in SBP or RCSBP (Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan) as of December 22, 2022 to enroll.
For a member who enrolls during the SBP Open Season, the law generally requires that the member will be responsible to pay retroactive SBP premium costs that would have been paid if the member had enrolled at retirement (or enrolled at another earlier date, depending on the member’s family circumstances).

Open Season Enrollment Forms must be RECEIVED before midnight Eastern Standard Time on January 1, 2024.

We strongly recommend you upload your form via our askDFAS online upload tool to ensure it is received prior to the deadline. 

For a member already receiving retired pay: Upon enrollment you will be legally responsible and obligated to pay a “buy-in premium.” The buy-in premium is comprised of (a) amounts you would have been required to pay you had enrolled in SBP at an earlier opportunity plus (b) additional open season costs. Check out our Example Buy-In Premiums on the webpage: https://www.dfas.mil/sbpopenseason23
The CURRENT Two-Step Enrollment Process:
YOU CAN ENROLL WITHOUT GETTING AN INDIVIDUAL ESTIMATE. If you decide to enroll and submit an enrollment form, after we process your enrollment, we will mail you an enrollment confirmation letter that includes the amount of your Buy-In Premium and your monthly premiums. Please note: If you send an enrollment form and then decide to cancel, we must receive your signed and dated written request to cancel your enrollment within 30 days of the date of your signature on the enrollment form. If we don’t receive it within those 30 days, you will be legally obligated to pay the Buy-In Premium and monthly premiums. 
STEP 1. If you want to officially enroll, submit your completed and signed SBP Open Season 2023 Enrollment Form, including your choice for how you will pay for the one-time Buy-In Premium. You can use our askDFAS online upload tool to submit your form or send it via postal mail or fax.                                                                                                                                                                 

Download the “SBP Open Season 2023 Enrollment Form” from our webpage: https://www.dfas.mil/sbpopenseason23. 
Open Season Enrollment Forms must be RECEIVED before midnight Eastern Standard Time on January 1, 2024. We strongly recommend you upload your form via our askDFAS online upload tool to ensure it is received prior to the deadline.
Our final postal mail delivery before the deadline is Friday, December 29, 2023. If you are mailing a form, we recommend you use mail service with proof of mail date. If we receive a form in the mail after Friday, December 29, 2023, you will need to provide proof that it was postmarked/mailed by the deadline for the request to be valid.
STEP 2. We will mail you a confirmation of your enrollment, including the final costs, and provide instructions on how to submit payment. Your enrollment will be effective the first day of the first calendar month following our receipt of your valid enrollment form. 
You are allowed 30 days from the date you sign the enrollment form to cancel your enrollment. Cancellation must be in writing and include your signature and date and must be received within those 30 days.
For more details on the enrollment process, please see our special focus webpage: https://www.dfas.mil/sbpopenseason23.

Brief Overview of the Discontinuance Process

The SBP Open Season also allows eligible members and former members who were enrolled in SBP or RCSBP (Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan) as of December 22, 2022, to permanently discontinue their SBP coverage.

The law generally requires the covered beneficiaries to concur in writing with the election to discontinue. Previously paid premiums will not be refunded.

To discontinue SBP coverage, complete and submit an “SBP Open Season 2023 Discontinuance Form.” The form is available to download from our special focus webpage: https://www.dfas.mil/sbpopenseason23.

Open Season Discontinuance Forms must be RECEIVED before midnight Eastern Standard Time on January 1, 2024. We strongly recommend you upload your form via our askDFAS online upload tool to ensure it is received prior to the deadline.

Our final postal mail delivery before the deadline is on Friday, December 29, 2023. If you are mailing a form, we recommend you use mail service with proof of mail date. If we receive a form in the mail after Friday, December 29, 2023, you will need to provide proof that it was postmarked/mailed by the deadline for the request to be valid.
The discontinuance will be effective the first day of the first calendar month following our receipt of your valid discontinuance form.

Please note: To be valid, the form must be properly signed and dated by all parties, including the current spouse, and any currently covered former spouse, child aged 18-22 or natural interest person (NIP). In addition, the covered party’s signature must either be notarized or witnessed by an SBP counselor.

No refunds of SBP premiums for the period of coverage are allowed. In addition, retirees remain responsible for any debt accrued due to unpaid premiums during the time in which the retiree had SBP or RCSBP coverage. Also, there is no provision to cancel or change your discontinuance once we receive a valid discontinuance form.

Before submitting your request for discontinuance, please review the SBP advantages and disadvantages information on the first page of the Discontinuance form. SBP Open Seasons rarely occur. Consider the impact your decision will have on your loved ones moving forward. Because your beneficiaries must also concur with the decision to discontinue, you may want to review this information with them.

For more details on the discontinuance process, please see our special focus webpage: https://www.dfas.mil/sbpopenseason23.

This Information is for Retirees Receiving Pay

Please note that the information in this article is for retirees receiving pay. Gray Area Retirees, please contact your Branch of Service for details on how to enroll or discontinue RCSBP/SBP coverage during the SBP Open Season.

More Information, Forms, and FAQs

The forms, deadlines, information, and FAQs are available on our special focus webpage: https://www.dfas.mil/sbpopenseason23.

Page Updated December 20, 2023