Quick Tools

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New Retiree and Annuitant DFAS Resources Now Available!

Quick Tools Page
Here at DFAS Retired and Annuitant Pay, we’re very busy working on ways to improve our customer service for you. And here’s the latest example: the Quick Tools page on DFAS.mil.

What is the Quick Tools page? Think of it as a one-stop-shop for our most popular and often-requested tools. It’s designed specifically for people who have a clear picture of what they need to accomplish and just need one simple place to find it.

One thing you’ll immediately notice about the Quick Tools page is its organization. The webpage is neatly organized by customer group. As a valued member of the SBP annuitant/survivor community, there’s a section just for you. Whether you’re looking for the way to report a death, get a 1099-R tax statement reissued, utilize myPay, or use one of our helpful Form Wizards or convenient askDFAS online upload tools—this webpage will get you where you need quickly!

And just as we always do—we’ll keep working on this page to make it most useful and current over time. We have even more great tools planned for you, so we’ll make sure Quick Tools is always a quick stop to meet your needs.

You can find the Quick Tools page at https://www.dfas.mil/raquicktools.Please spread the word and encourage other retirees to visit the page, too.  We will keep improving it over time as we add new tools and capabilities to improve your experience.        

Revamped askDFAS Resource Page

As part of another project in our work to modernize Retired and Annuitant Pay and make the processes easier for you, we built a suite of online tools that allow forms and required documentation to be filled out or uploaded at askDFAS on the DFAS.mil website, which is also accessible on a mobile browser.                                      

We also recently revamped the askDFAS Resource webpage section for retirees and annuitants to make it easier for you to find the askDFAS online form or upload tool you need.

The askDFAS Resource webpage section for retirees and annuitants is now organized into separate areas with specific resources and links for retirees and specific resources and links for SBP annuitants, plus additional resources.

askDFAS tools are a quick and easy way to submit select forms and documents to us directly. Instead of mailing or faxing your completed forms, for some you can now either fill out an online form or upload them directly in a PDF through the askDFAS online tool on the DFAS.mil website.
Please note all documents uploaded to an askDFAS online tool MUST be in PDF format and contain the Social Security Number of the retiree or deceased member. Using askDFAS is a convenient way to submit requests and eliminate the time and hassle of sending requests through mail or fax and provide more timely and accurate service to retirees and annuitants.

See the revamped askDFAS Resource webpage by clicking on Retirees and Annuitants at: https://www.dfas.mil/askdfas
Also check out the “How to Upload Your Documents Using our askDFAS Online Upload Tools” article to get more information.


Page Updated December 20, 2023