Accrual/Partial Payment Vouchers

An accrual is a partial payment of TDY expenses incurred when on long-term TDY.
An accrual should be requested after 30 days of TDY have elapsed. Each accrual request should indicate the 30 day period being requested. A final settlement is required upon completion of travel and any travel advances received will be collected.

A signed and dated DD Form 1351-2 by both claimant and reviewer is required. The form should be marked "ACCRUAL" and all orders, lodging receipts, and any items of expense $75 or more are required.

Read more on completing the DD 1351-2.
Blocks 1-9 and 11 will be completed with the required information.
Block 15 (Itinerary) should begin with the 1st TDY day the 30th TDY day. 
Block 18 must reflect the reimbursable expenses (lodging, rental car, etc.) for the 30 day period being claimed. If a statement-of-non-availability was issued by a billeting office for use of commercial meals and/or lodging, it should also be annotated in block 18. 

Need help? Contact us!
Customer Service:  1-888-332-7366/DSN  699-0300, select option 1
Have an accrual payment question?

Ready to submit an accrual voucher?
Fax: 317-275-0329
DSN: 510-366-0329

Page updated February 9, 2015.