Vouchers received June 16 are being processed for payment today (allow 3-5 business days for payment to post in your financial institution account).
Travel vouchers are processed in the order they are received.
DFAS Announcements
The Relocation Income Tax Allowance (RITA) filing deadline for those who elected Withholding Tax Allowance (WTA) has been extended to July 15, 2020. See the RITA page for more information on filing and who is eligible for a RITA.
Effective Jan. 1, 2018, under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, most civilian relocation allowances became taxable. This link can help you understand how this may affect you.

Ready to submit! Click here - Travel Voucher Direct

The following are supported/accepted document types for travel voucher submissions:
- PDF (.pdf)
- Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx)
- JPEG Image (.jpg / .jpeg)
- TIFF Image (.tif / .tiff)
- Lotus Forms (.fdl / .xfdl)
- Excel (.xls / .xlsx)
- PowerPoint (.ppt / .pptx)
- Rich Text (.rtf)
- PNG Image (.png)
- Text (.txt)

Check the status of your voucher with the Online Payment Status Tool.
DFAS processes vouchers for civilian employees of the following agencies:
- Defense Department Agencies
- Navy Revolving and General Funds
- Army and the Army Material Command
- Marine Corps
All other agencies, please contact your finance office for travel pay assistance.
Please note:
This tool currently only works with CAC enabled computers
This tool works best with Microsoft Explorer
Civilian Relocation PCS Entitlements
Government civilians performing PCS moves are eligible for entitlements to help them with the move. Some authorizations for entitlements are left to agency discretion, please review your orders to see which entitlements you are eligible for. Contact your order issuing office for additional information on entitlements authorized for your specific PCS move.
Important Tax Information to understand before your move
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 changed what entitlements are taxable. When you perform a Civilian Permanent Change of Station (PCS) with the government, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers the majority of your entitlements to be taxable. As such, income tax withholdings will be taken out of your civilian PCS reimbursements by DFAS and remitted to the IRS.
Find out more about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 tax changes here.
Taxable Entitlements - certain entitlements are considered taxable income
Advance Entitlement - information to receive advance pay on anticipated travel
Withholding Tax Allowance (WTA) - advance against Relocation Income Tax Allowance (RITA)
Relocation Income Tax Allowance (RITA) - reimburses an eligible transferred employee for the additional Federal, State, and local income taxes incurred as a result of receiving taxable travel income.
Link here to access all the necessary forms for your civilian relocation move.
Make sure your claim is complete and correct before you send it in! Follow these five steps:
- View civilian relocation videos at our YouTube page .
- Review your specific entitlement at the "Entitlements" pages above
- Use the Traveler's and Reviewer's Checklist to make sure you complete all the required information.
- Look at these frequently asked questions.
- Avoid these common errors to get your payment without delay.
Or send civilian relocation vouchers to DFAS Rome:
Fax: (216) 367-3422
Email: dfas-civrelo-vouchers@mail.mil
Attn: Travel Pay, Civilian Relocation
325 Brooks Road
Rome, NY 13441
If you receive an "unable to deliver" message when sending a fax or email, your claim package may be over the 20MB limit.
Advanced Request Only: dfas-civrelo-advances@mail.mil
Questions Only:DFAS-CIVREL-Questionsonly@mail.mil
Civilian Relocation Care Center Contact Number: 1-888-332-7366 Option 1, Option 0, Option 1
Page updated June 30, 2020