Leave and Earnings Statement


Understanding Your Leave and Earnings Statement
The Interactive LES allows you to better understand your LES. To review a detailed description about a particular section of the LES, click on the section of interest; click on the section description’s title to return to the LES.

**Please note: The options for reporting marital status have changed. The new options are:
(S) - Single
(H) - Head of Household
(W) - Widower
(X) - Married Filing Separately
(Y) - Married Filing Jointly

We are working to update the information on the linked forms.

Leave and Earnings Statement General Information
CSRS/FERS- Civil Service Retirement System/Federal Employees Retirement System

FEGLI- Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance

FEHB- Federal Employee Health Benefits

OASDI- Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Employee Salary Calculation

Retirement Document Processing
When the following information appears on your LES, your retirement documents have been processed:

  • A statement indicating that your FERS or CSRS retirement data was sent to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
  • Separation Date
  • Register Number
  • Payroll Office Number

Questions? Please call or write:

  • 888-767-6738 or 202-606-0500
  • OPM Retirement Operations Center, P.O. Box 45, Boyers, PA 16017-0045

Please note: Your retirement information must be submitted to OPM within 30 days of your retirement date. If this timeframe has passed, contact your human resources office immediately for your retirement action and/or package’s status.

For Civilian Pay questions, please contact your Customer Service Representative (CSR). Contact your immediate supervisor for more details.

Page updated May 21, 2021