Upload your travel voucher and supporting documents online!
Travel Voucher Direct is available for all travel claims computed and paid by DFAS.
Not for those using DTS (Defense Travel System) for their travel vouchers.
If you don't use Travel Voucher Direct, send your voucher and supporting documents to the appropriate email address below:
AMC/Defense Agency TDY Claims: DFAS-AMC-DA-TRAVEL@mail.mil
Navy/DLA TDY Claims: DFAS-NavyDLA@mail.mil
Civilian PCS Advance Claims:dfas.rome.jft.mbx.civrelo-advances@mail.mil
Civilian PCS Settlement Claims: dfas.rome.jft.mbx.civrelo-vouchers@mail.mil
TDY: dfas.rome.jft.mbx.army-travel@mail.mil
TDY Advance: dfas.rome.jft.mbx.tdyadvance@mail.mil
After we receive your claim, you can check the status online or by phone.
Page updated May 5, 2016