Renewal Agreement Travel (RAT)

A civilian employee, and accompanying dependent(s), may be eligible to receive travel and transportation allowances for returning home between tours of duty OCONUS.  RAT travel is not taxable.
Quick Tips

Things you need to know:

Alternate Destination - A civilian employee or dependent is authorized to perform RAT to a destination other than the civilian employee’s actual residence, as long as the RAT destination is in the same country as the actual residence.
Important Information
Time and Location Requirements:
  1. If a civilian employee’s actual residence is in a location in the CONUS, or a non-foreign location OCONUS, he or she and any dependents must spend the majority of the RAT time in the CONUS or that non-foreign location OCONUS for RAT to be authorized.
  2. RAT must not be authorized to an alternate destination if the traveler is merely routed through the country of actual residence en route to another country, travels to various points for personal reasons, or is a DoDEA teacher and does not meet the conditions in par. 055011.
Air Fare Reimbursement:
  1. City Pair Program airfares may be used for travel to and from the actual residence, or to and from an alternate destination where the transportation cost is less than or equal to the transportation cost to the actual residence.
  2. If the civilian employee or dependent travels to a more expensive alternate destination, City Pair Program airfares are not authorized for any transportation related to the alternate destination.
  3. RAT reimbursement for travel to an alternate destination is limited to the amount allowed for transportation along a usually traveled route between the PDS and the actual residence.
  4. The civilian employee is financially responsible for all excess costs. Use the policy-constructed airfare to compute the constructed cost (FTR §301-10 and 62 Comp. Gen. 596 (1983)).
  5. For airfare to be reimbursable to the employee the orders must state “Individual Billed Account (IBA) Authorized for the purchase of airfare” or “Personally Procured Airfare Authorized.” IBA/CBA can be changed after the fact with an Authorizing Official's signature.
Unaccompanied Dependent Travel - A civilian employee may travel alone or with a dependent. A dependent may travel unaccompanied, but cannot perform round-trip travel under renewal-agreement authority if the civilian employee does not, at some point, perform authorized RAT. An unaccompanied dependent must not be authorized to start RAT beyond 6 months after the date the civilian employee begins travel, except as specified for DODEA teachers.

Baggage Transportation:
  1. Travelers are authorized either excess accompanied or unaccompanied baggage.
  2. Excess/Accompanied Baggage:
    1. Authorized on the orders or by the Approving Official
    2. The excess accompanied baggage weight allowance for each traveler is 100 pounds gross weight per person.
    3. The 100-pound weight limit does not include free, checkable accompanied baggage.
    4. Weight of baggage needs to be listed on receipts or a signed statement certifying the weight of the bag(s) will be accepted
  3. Postage/Unaccompanied Baggage:
    1. Unaccompanied baggage is authorized for up to 100 pounds net weight per person and is transported by air, such as postal service and FedEx.
    2.  Weight of postage needs to be listed on receipts or a signed statement certifying the weight of the package(s) will be accepted
 Voucher Submission
  1. DD Form 1351-2 (Travel Voucher/Sub Voucher)
  2. Approving Official's signature if required
  3. DD Form 1614 (Travel Authorization/Orders) with all amendments
  4. Paid, itemized receipts for lodging and any reimbursable expense $75 or more
  5. Copy of air schedule itinerary and receipts to include the transportation cost
  6. Direct Deposit Form SF1199A
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)
Do you need more information about this entitlement? Click below to review the information. The link is a searchable PDF, scroll to the section you are interested in, then click on the blue link to be taken directly to the page. Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Chapter 5, Part H
Need help filling out your form? Check out our YouTube Video eTutorials for more help.
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I am eligible to receive an allowance for overseas tour renewal travel?
You are eligible to receive an allowance for overseas tour renewal travel if:
(a) You are on an overseas assignment, and you have completed your tour of duty and satisfactorily completed your service agreement time period; and
(b) You are on an overseas assignment and you have signed a new service agreement to remain at your overseas post or to transfer to another overseas post of duty; or
(c) You meet the requirements and are eligible for tour renewal travel from Alaska or Hawaii
Will I be reimbursed if I travel to another overseas location (instead of the U.S.)?
If you travel to another overseas location (instead of the U.S.), you will be reimbursed only if your actual residence is within that country in which you are taking your leave, and then you will only be reimbursed your authorized travel and transportation expenses. You will have to pay any expense(s) above your authorized amount.
If I travel to another place in the U.S. (other than my actual place of residence) am I required to spend time at my actual place of residence to receive reimbursement?
No, you are not required to spend time at your actual place of residence to receive reimbursement if you travel to another place in the U.S. (other than your actual place of residence).
Is there a limit on how many times I may receive reimbursement for tour renewal travel? You might be eligible for reimbursement if the following conditions apply:
(a) If you are stationed in a foreign area or in an area other than Alaska or Hawaii, your agency may reimburse you for one overseas tour renewal trip for each time you complete your service agreement, which is related to your post of duty.
(b) For recruiting and retention purposes of consecutive tours served within Alaska and Hawaii, your agency may reimburse you a maximum of two round trips which must begin within 5 years after the date of your first tour.

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How to complete DD 1351-2 for Renewal Agreement Travel

Block 1: Payment: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is mandatory. Submit an SF 1199 or DD 2762 with updated banking account information.
Split Disbursement:  If you would like funds applied directly to your Government Travel Card, place an “x” in the block and indicate the dollar amount to be applied. If your reimbursement is less than the amount requested, then the whole reimbursement will be applied to the Government Travel Card.
Block 2: Name:  Last name, first name, and middle initial of Employee.
Block 3: Grade of the Employee.
Block 4: Social Security Number of Employee – full 9 digits.
Block 5: Indicate “PCS” and “Member/Employee.”
Blocks 6a-6d: Valid mailing address.
Block 6e: Valid and legible e-mail addresses.
Block 7: Daytime telephone number.
Block 8: Order/Authorization number which is listed on the original orders (See DD Form1614 Block 25).
Block 9: List any and all previous payments paid from any finance office pertaining to the travel period being claimed. List “0.00” if you have not received any payments.
Block 10: This block may be used to make a note to explain something to the travel office, if applicable (e.g. Supplemental for_         ”
Block 11: Employee’s new duty station address where employee is being assigned (See DD Form1614 Block 8).
Blocks 12: Complete for any authorized dependents that traveled with you.
** Note: Mark “accompanied” if you and your dependents traveled together, mark “unaccompanied” if you and your dependents traveled separately.
Block 12a: List the names of your dependents
Block 12b: Enter relationship to you (spouse, son, daughter, etc.)
Block 12c: List the date of marriage for spouse, list birthdates of other dependents
Block 13: List the address where your dependents were residing at the time PCS orders were received.
Block 14: Indicate whether your household goods have been shipped.
Block 15: Itinerary (see below, and example).
Block 15a: Date: List the year the travel was conducted in the top box
      Next to “DEP” and “ARR” list the month and day of departure and arrival (e.g., 05/15).
Block 15b: Place: Enter a specific location to include City and State, a Fort, or a City and Country–do not enter “HOR”
Block 15c: Mode of Travel (see page 2 of DD1351-2 for codes).
Block 15d: Reason for stop (see page 2 of DD1351-2 for codes).
Block 15e: Enter Lodging cost if applicable.
Block 15f: If “PA” is indicated in block 15C and block 16 is checked own/operate, then indicate POC miles.
Block 16: POC Mileage – Own/Operate must be checked to be reimbursed for mileage.
Block 17: Duration of Travel from beginning to end.
Block 18: List any reimbursable expenses such as airfare, rental car, tolls, etc.
Block 19: Not applicable.
Block 20a&b: Signature of traveler and date signed.  Do not forget the date in Block 20B, even if it is in your digital signature. Signature date must be the day of or after final date claimed.
Block 20c-f: Reviewer’s signature and date signed. All parts (20c, 20d, 20e, & 20f) must be completed or voucher will be returned. Signature date must be the same day or after the traveler.
Block 21: Would be required for an “after the fact entitlement”, such as excess baggage approval.
Block 22: If block 21 is completed, block 22 would explain the “after the fact entitlement” e.g. Excess baggage is approved or IBA is authorized for the purchase of airfare.
Blocks 23 – 28: Not applicable.
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Renewal Agreement Travel (RAT) 1351-2

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Page Updated June 10, 2020