Civilian PCS
Entitlement Guide
(Updated March 2020)
A note to our valued customers:
Thank you for your service to our great nation. The information on these pages provide a general understanding of Civilian Relocation Travel Pay Entitlements that are in accordance with the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) and DFAS Policy and Procedures.This “how to guide” is intended for all Civilian Relocation Travelers serviced by DFAS Rome Travel Pay Services. It provides step-by-step procedures in preparing a travel voucher so it is “pay ready” upon submission. Submitting “pay ready” vouchers will allow DFAS to provide you with a timely and accurate reimbursement. Taking a few additional minutes to submit your claim correctly the first time will avoid frustrations and delays.
Items to keep in mind:
- Per the JTR, your Human Resources Office must provide you with mandatory PCS counseling prior to your relocation.
- Authorizations for many entitlements are agency discretion and must be documented on your travel orders (DD1614).
- Before expenses are incurred, be sure you have signed the Transportation Agreement (DD1617 or DD1618) as well as received and reviewed your travel orders.
- Read your travel orders and understand the entitlements you are authorized. Many entitlements have two methods of reimbursement: actual or fixed. Ensure you know which method of reimbursement you are authorized and what documentation is required under that method before you incur the expense.
- An advance is a loan and an estimate of what you will need. See travel advance section for information regarding travel advances and how to potentially avoid a debt.
- Please read the taxable entitlement section of this guide very carefully, as well as the sections on WTA and RITA. This is extremely important as the value of your reimbursement is affected.
- If your voucher is incomplete or has errors, you will be contacted via e-mail. Be sure to have a legible email address in block 6e of your DD1351-2 travel voucher.
- Monitor your email for status and follow the directions if you receive a return notification. Be sure to send back to the appropriate address, do not hit reply.
For examples of the PCS processes, click on the thumbnails below. These are provided for example only, your move process may differ, consult your orders for entitlements.

Continental United States (CONUS) to Continental United States (CONUS) relocation

Continental United States (CONUS) to Out of Continental United States (OCONUS) relocation

Out of the Continental United States (OCONUS) to Out of the Continental United States (OCONUS)

Out of the Continental United States (OCONUS) to Continental United States (CONUS)

Out of the Continental United States (OCONUS) to Separation from civilian federal service

Retirement from Civilian Service relocation
Navigating the Civilian PCS Entitlement Guide
Use either the side menu or the below links to get to your specific pages
Submitting your advance or settlement voucher
Taxable Entitlements
Withholding Tax Allowance
Travel Advance Entitlement
House Hunting Trip (HHT)
En Route Travel
Temporary Quarter Subsistence Allowance (TQSE)
Miscellaneous Expense Allowance (MEA)
Movement and Storage of Household Goods (HHG)
Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Shipment
Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Drop off and/or pick up
Real Estate
Home Marketing Incentive Payments (HMIP)
Unexpired Lease (UEL)
Renewal Agreement Travel (RAT)
Relocation Income Tax Allowance (RITA)
Click below for step 4, Ready to submit a voucher?
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Page Updated July 31, 2020