Our worksheet can help you determine the difference between household and personal expenses. Household Expenses include ALL expenses related to the home for all persons in the home regardless of who pays for them. Expenses can include: Full rent/mortgage or the fair rental value (the amount the owner of the residence can reasonably expect to receive if they were to rent the home to a stranger.) for the home in which the claimed dependent resides. Tax & Insurance – list the amount of taxes and/or insurance paid for the home if applicable. If you are paying a mortgage, you will have a figure for both of these. If you are renting, you likely only have rental insurance. Food – the entire monthly food bill for ALL persons in the home. Utilities – list the full amount of all monthly utility bills. Furniture/Appliance – list the cost of any furniture or appliance item purchased for the home within the past year. Repairs – List any expense related to making repairs or renovations to the home within the last year. Other - This expense includes all household related expenses that are not already accounted for on the form. Examples include lawn maintenance, tree trimming, gutter cleaning, security system, cable/internet, trash pickup, HOA fees, pool maintenance, etc. When using this block, be sure to itemize them by giving a list of the expenses and a dollar figure for each one.
The medical statement should be signed by a medical doctor or psychiatrist. The statement should include statements (1) that the claimed dependent is incapable of self-support due to his/her condition; (2) age at which condition was first diagnosed or began; and, (3) whether or not condition and incapability of self-support is permanent. Note: Letters from psychologists are not sufficient to meet the requirements set forth in the JFTR Chapter 10 and AR 600 600-8-14.) Use our example of a medical sufficiency letter to get started.
Please see your RAPIDS ID office for information on card issuance and termination.More information is available at www.cac.mil/uniformed-services-id-card/.
According to the DoD Financial Management Regulation, :"a person who stood in place of the natural parent(s) to the Military Service member" is considered in loco parentis. For secondary dependency purposes, the person(s) must have been in loco parentis at any time for a continuous period of at least five years before the member's 21st birthday. Check with your personnel office about regulations that may further define who may qualify as a secondary dependent.
Your unmarried ward may qualify for secondary dependency if the following circumstance are met (from the DoD Financial Management Reulgation): A court of competent jurisdiction in the United States, Puerto Rico, or a possession of the United States has placed the person in the custody of the member either permanently or for a period which lasts at least 12 months from the date of the order. The person must be: Under 21 years of age. At least 21 years of age, but under 23 years of age who meets the criteria for a student set forth in definition #35 line e. Incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity that occurred while the person was considered a dependent ward of the member.