Submit completed dependency packages to our secure AskDFAS Secondary Dependency Claims module.

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Army: Help with secondary dependency claims

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Submitting an initial or redetermination package for secondary dependency can involve a lot of work to compile the documents and information required. The following information is provided to help you with the process.

  • Sample Medical Sufficiency Letter: You can provide this sample letter to your child's caregivers to explain what information is needed in the letter they write on behalf of your incapacitated child. 
  • Expenses Breakdown: Use our worksheet to help you determine your claimed dependent's monthly household, personal and educational expenses.
  • Help with completing DD Form 137 series (3, 5, 6 or 7):
    • Original documents are NOT required; legible copies are sufficient
    • Only one form  is required when applying for both BAH and USIP/ID card entitlements at the same time.
    • Include all supporting documents listed under the BAH section and USIP/ID card section with the form.
    • All forms must be filled out completely; if a block does not apply, put “N/A” – failure to do so will result in the application being returned without action.
    • Mark “X” for benefits you are claiming – BAH, USIP card and/or travel
    • Mark “X” (Yes or No) if first application – If no, give date of last application
    • Member’s address – where you live. Also provide mailing address if different 
    • Phone – identify as commercial or DSN 
    • Email address, if available 
    • Claimed dependent’s name and address of employer – answer completely
    • Claimed parent and his/her spouse live apart – provide complete reason parent’s spouse does not support your claimed parent.
    • List both name and address of owner of the dwelling where the claimed dependent lives
    • Persons living where claimed dependent lives – list all residing in that unit including the claimed dependent
    • Household expenses – all expenses for the entire household are required for the claimed dependents’ residence, not just the claimed dependent’s share
    • Personal expenses – List all expenses of the claimed dependent regardless of who pays for them. (See expenses breakdown for information specific to each expense type.)
    • Income – List all income and monetary support received by dependent from any source other than from yourself.
    • Remarks – identify the block number from the form the remarks relate to
    • Signatures/Notaries – make sure all signatures are completed. All forms with notary blocks MUST be notarized; failure to have the documents notarized will result in return of the application without action. The notary signature relates to the signature of the dependent or guardian.

Avoid common mistakes

  • Illegible or incomplete application package
    • Type or print, legibly, on all forms
    • Ensure you read the printed instructions carefully and completely
    • All blocks on the various forms must be completed or marked N/A to ensure nothing is missed
  • Missing forms/documentation
    • DD Form 1172-2 required and must be signed by the sponsor when applying for a USIP/ID card.
    • Proof of member’s support for BAH requests. If dependent does not reside with member, proof of support is required. A dependent support allotment, cancelled checks, money order receipts, electronic transfer receipts are acceptable proofs of support. Additional proof of support documentation is provided under Army required documents by claim type
    • Unacceptable documents for proof of support are ATM withdrawal receipts, bank statements showing withdrawals, bank statements showing joint account between Soldier and dependent.
    • Relationship documents – the complete chain to prove relationship to the member (e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.)
    • Medical statement (incapacitated child, DD Form 137-5) must be signed by a licensed medical doctor. Not acceptable - psychologist, nurse, nurse practitioner, medical assistant, social worker etc.
    • Guardianship document (ward of the court) – from court in the US or US possessions only stating that the custody/guardianship is for at least 12 consecutive months.  The ward must live in the member’s household unless there are exigencies of service.
    • Verification of student full-time enrollment from an accredited college or university – must state the date of enrollment, enrolled as a full time student, seeking a degree and an expected graduation date.

Page updated February 3, 2023