Navy: Help with Secondary Dependency Claims

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Submitting an initial or redetermination package for secondary dependency can involve a lot of work to compile the documents and information required. The following information is provided to help you with the process.

  • Sample Medical Sufficiency Letter: You can provide this sample letter to your child's caregivers to explain what information is needed in the letter they write on behalf of your incapacitated child. Include a medical statement signed by a medical doctor or psychiatrist (1) that the claimed dependent is incapable of self-support due to his/her condition; (2) age at which condition was first diagnosed or began; and, (3) whether or not condition and incapability of self-support is permanent. (Note: Letters from psychologists are not sufficient to meet the requirements set forth in the JFTR Chapter 10).
  • Expenses Breakdown: Use our worksheet to help you determine your claimed dependent's monthly household, personal and educational expenses.
  • Help with completing DD Form 137 series (3 or 7):
    • Original documents are NOT required; legible copies are sufficient
    • Only one form  is required when applying for both BAH and USIP/ID card entitlements at the same time.
    • Include all supporting documents listed under the BAH section and USIP/ID card section with the form.
    • All forms must be filled out completely; if a block does not apply, put “N/A” – failure to do so will result in the application being returned without action.
    • Mark “X” for benefits you are claiming – BAH, USIP card and/or travel
    • Mark “X” (Yes or No) if first application – If no, give date of last application
    • Member’s address – where you live. Also provide mailing address if different 
    • Phone – identify as commercial or DSN 
    • Email address, if available 
    • Claimed dependent’s name and address of employer – answer completely
    • Claimed parent and his/her spouse live apart – provide complete reason parent’s spouse does not support your claimed parent.
    • List both name and address of owner of the dwelling where the claimed dependent lives
    • Persons living where claimed dependent lives – list all residing in that unit including the claimed dependent
    • Household expenses – all expenses for the entire household are required for the claimed dependents’ residence, not just the claimed dependent’s share
    • Personal expenses – List all expenses of the claimed dependent regardless of who pays for them. (See expenses breakdown for information specific to each expense type.)
    • Income – List all income and monetary support received by dependent from any source other than from yourself.
    • Remarks – identify the block number from the form the remarks relate to
    • Signatures/Notaries – make sure all signatures are completed. All forms with notary blocks MUST be notarized; failure to have the documents notarized will result in return of the application without action. The notary signature relates to the signature of the dependent or guardian.

Avoid Common Mistakes
  • Illegible or incomplete application package
    • Type or print, legibly, on all forms
    • Ensure you read the printed instructions carefully and completely
    • All blocks on the various forms must be completed or marked N/A to ensure nothing is missed
  • Missing forms/documentation
    • DD Form 1172-2 required and must be signed by the sponsor when applying for a USIP/ID card.
    • Proof of member’s support for BAH requests. Proof of support: If the claimed dependent DOES NOT reside in your household, one or more of the following are required as proof of support: 
    • AD  (discretionary) allotment for the claimed dependent or claimed dependent’s court-appointed custodian. A copy of your current LES includes this information. 
    • Cancelled checks (front & back) to the claimed dependent or claimed dependent’s court-appointed custodian.
    • Money order receipts to the claimed dependent or claimed dependent’s court-appointed custodian.
    • Electronic transfers made out to claimed dependent or claimed dependent’s court-appointed custodian.
    • Copies of bills paid on behalf of dependent may also be used along with proof of payment.
    • If your dependent does not reside with you but lives in a home owned/rented by you, a copy of mortgage statement or rental agreement may also be used.
  • Joint checking accounts, cash contributions, or purchase receipts are NOT acceptable forms of proof of support.
    • Unacceptable documents for proof of support are ATM withdrawal receipts, bank statements showing withdrawals, bank statements showing joint account between Soldier and dependent.
    • Relationship documents – the complete chain to prove relationship to the member (e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.)
    • Guardianship document (ward of the court) – from court in the US or US possessions only stating that the custody/guardianship is for at least 12 consecutive months.  The ward must live in the member’s household unless there are exigencies of service.
    • If a previously approved ward is a full-time student, support documentation must include a letter from an accredited college or university verifying the ward's full-time enrollment, documentation of expenses and any educational assistance the ward may receive.
    • Verification of Ward full-time enrollment from an accredited college or university – must state the date of enrollment, enrolled as a full time student, seeking a degree and an expected graduation date.
    • The most common problem with Navy Secondary Dependency Claims is packages do not include a copy of NAVPERS Form 1070/602. This document is required for all active/reserve duty secondary dependency claims. For redeterminations, an updated effective date needs to be on or after last approval from DFAS. 
    • It is important for you to notify DFAS of a change in your secondary dependent’s status immediately. Send an updated NAVPERS 1070/602 to the DFAS-Cleveland Dependency Claims office.  The date of the dependency status change should be the effective date on the NAVPERS 1070/602. Status changes include:
    • Death of a secondary dependent.
    • Legal custody expires or is terminated.
    • Income of secondary dependent increases to the extent the dependent is longer relying on you for support.
    • IMPORTANT: Should your secondary dependents’ status lapse and your BAH is stopped or reduced, you will not be authorized back payment of BAH for the period during which the individual(s) were not officially recognized as in a dependent status.