Real Estate
Real Estate reimbursement is authorized for some approved expenses related to the sale of your home at the old duty station and/or the purchase of a home at the new duty station. Your agency will determine your eligibility for Real Estate allowance.
***Real Estate Entitlements are taxable. ***
Things you need to know:
- The settlement/closing must be complete before the one year anniversary of your report at the new duty station. An extension of up to an additional year may be granted by the agency’s commanding officer.
- Home sale and purchase claims should be submitted separately with applicable supporting documentation attached.
- Reimbursement must not exceed 10% of the actual sale price on a Sale of Residence at the old PDS.
- Reimbursement must not exceed 5% of the purchase price on a Purchase of Residence at the new PDS.
- A list of reimbursable and non-reimbursable items can be found at JTR 5912.A
**General Services Administration (GSA)-Residence Transaction Expenses-Home Purchase Reference**
Voucher Submission for Real Estate
- DD Form 1351-2 (Travel Voucher/Sub Voucher) – Be sure to review the Civilian relocation DD Form 1351-2 Voucher checklist.
- DD Form 1614 (Travel Authorization/Orders) with all amendments
- DD Form 1705 - Reimbursement for Real Estate Sale and/or Purchase Closing Cost Expenses
- Copy of the Closing Disclosure Statement or HUD-1; employee signature required
- Copy of the Sale/Purchase Agreement with both buyer and seller signatures
- Include Direct Deposit Form SF1199A
Copy of paid, itemized receipts for expenses paid outside of closing not listed on the settlement statement
Need help filling out the forms. Click here for our Tutorial video to help
For Official Review before submission to DFAS:
DFAS and DISA funded employees please submit claims for review and signature to:
POC contact: 317-212-3254 or DSN 312-699-3254
DoD Civilian Navy, Marine and Army funded employees should submit their claims for review and signature to the authorizing official and legal department at their command.
SALE OF RESIDENCE - The official designated to approve reasonableness of charges at the OLD DUTY STATION, generally the legal office, must review and sign the DD Form 1705 in part IV block 18. Block 20 must also be completed by the authorized personnel at the NEW DUTY STATION.
PURCHASE OF RESIDENCE - The official designated to approve reasonableness of charges at the NEW DUTY STATION generally the legal office, must review and sign the DD Form 1705 in part IV block 19 and 20.
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)
Do you need more information about this entitlement? Click below to review the information. The link is a searchable PDF, scroll to the section you are interested in, then click on the blue link to be taken directly to the page.
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Chapter 5, Part F, section 0545
Real Estate Allowance Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions? Check out the most commonly asked questions?
Page updated December 17, 2019