House Hunting Trip (HHT)
A house hunting trip is an optional entitlement for the purpose of seeking residence at the new duty location; your agency will determine if this is authorized. Reimbursement includes travel and transportation expenses for you and/or your spouse, together or individually, for one round trip between the old and new duty station.
***All costs associated with a HHT are taxable including centrally billed airfare.***
Things you need to know:
- HHT is authorized for employee and spouse only. Dependents may accompany at your expense.
- Both the old and new Permanent Duty Station (PDS) must be located in the United States or in a non-foreign OCONUS location like Alaska or Puerto Rico.
- A round trip performed by the employee must be completed before reporting to the new permanent duty station.
- Your spouse may take a HHT at any time before relocation of the family to the new PDS (must begin within one year of employee report date).
- HHT days used are subtracted from the first 30-day period of TQSE (AE) when more than 30 days of TQSE are occupied.
There are two methods of HHT that may be authorized:
Lodging Plus HHT (Actual Expense, or AE)
The standard CONUS per diem rate applies for one round trip of the employee and/or spouse for up to 10 calendar days based on agency authorization. Lodging is paid on an actual expense basis not to exceed the Standard CONUS lodging rate. Itemized, paid in full receipts required.
Voucher Submission for HHT (AE)
1. DD Form 1351-2 (Travel Voucher/Sub Voucher) – Be sure to review the the Civilian relocation DD Form 1351-2 Voucher checklist.
2. DD Form 1614 (Travel Authorization/Orders) with all amendments
3. Paid, itemized receipts for lodging and any reimbursable expense $75 or more
4. Copy of air schedule itinerary to include the transportation cost
5. A cost construct from the AO if travel is by car and the HHT location is greater than 250 miles away from the old duty station.
6. Direct Deposit Form SF1199A
Lump Sum HHT (LS)
A lump sum payment is given to the employee based on the applicable locality per diem rate multiplied by 6.25 for employee and spouse or 5.00 for only one person performing the HHT. Lodging receipts are not required, although you do need to complete your itinerary in block 15 on DD Form 1351-2. Any unused balance belongs to the employee. Lodging taxes are not authorized as an additional reimbursement on HHT (LS).
Voucher Submission for HHT (LS)
1. DD Form 1351-2 (Travel Voucher/Sub Voucher) – Be sure to review the Civilian Relocation DD1351-2 voucher checklist.
2. DD Form 1614 (Travel Authorization/Orders) with all amendments
3. Paid, itemized receipts for any reimbursable expense $75 or more
4. Copy of air schedule itinerary to include the transportation cost
5. A cost construct from the AO if travel is by car and the HHT location is greater than 250 miles away from the old duty station.
6. Direct Deposit Form SF1199A
Joint Travel Regulations
Do you need more information about this entitlement? Click below to review the information. The link is a searchable PDF, scroll to the section you are interested in, then click on the blue link to be taken directly to the page.
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Chapter 5, Part F, Section 0540
House Hunting Trip Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions, check out some of the commonly asked questions.
Page updated December 17, 2019