En Route Travel

En Route Travel is a Taxable entitlement.

En route travel is a taxable entitlement that allows you to be compensated for personal and dependent travel. Reimbursement includes travel and transportation expenses for you and your dependents for one trip by way of the most direct route from the old to the new duty station. This mileage rate is determined by the General Services Administration (GSA).

Monetary Allowances in Lieu of Transportation (MALT) for up to two privately owned conveyances (POC) may be reimbursed at the PCS mileage rate in effect at the time of travel.

Per Diem made up of meals and incidentals expenses (M&IE) and lodging is based on the following:

  1. One travel day is allowed for each 350 miles using the most direct route.
  2. If the additional distance is over 50 miles after dividing the total mileage by 350, one additional travel day is allowed.
  3. When the total official distance is 400 or fewer miles, 1 day of travel time is allowed.
  4. No per diem is allowed for travel less than 12 hours.
  5. Lodging is reimbursed based on actual cost not to exceed the maximum rate.  Paid, itemized lodging receipts are required.

Things you need to know:

  1. En route travel is authorized for one trip for you and your dependents from the old to new duty station.
  2. If your dependents are NOT traveling with you, they are performing an en route at a later/earlier date, be sure to mark unaccompanied in Block 12 of the 1351-2 and complete a separate 1351-2 for their travel dates. Be clear on the 1351-2 who is traveling.
  3. In order for an employee to get reimbursed for airfare, the orders must state “Individual Billed Account (IBA) Authorized” or “Personally Procured Airfare Authorized.” IBA/CBA can now be changed after the fact with an Authorizing Official's signature.

Voucher Submission

  1. DD Form 1351-2 (Travel Voucher/Sub Voucher) – Be sure to review the Civilian relocation DD Form 1351-2 Voucher checklist.
  2. DD Form 1614 (Travel Authorization/Orders) with all amendments
  3. Paid, itemized receipts for lodging and any reimbursable expense $75 or more
  4. Copy of air schedule itinerary and receipts to include the transportation cost
  5. Direct Deposit Form SF1199A

En Route Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions, check out some of the commonly asked questions.

Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)

Do you need more information about this entitlement? Click below to review the information. The link is a searchable PDF, scroll to the section you are interested in, then click on the blue link to be taken directly to the page.

Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Chapter 5, Part F

Page updated December 17, 2019