Pay your Third Party Travel Debt with the “payDFAS” mobile APP
Submit your debt payment and receive credit for your payment fast. The“payDFAS” mobile APP allows DFAS to process your payment much faster than a check. To use the payDFAS App, follow the instructions below.

Image of payDFAS App

If you have received a debt letter from DFAS Rome with a QR code on it, you can use the payDFAS mobile APP.
  1. Using a smart device download the “payDFAS” app (pictured above) from the Apple or Google store
  2. Scan the QR code on your letter, all your debt information will populate
  3. Enter in your payment information 24/7, 365 days a year
  4. Receive email confirmation of your payment
Note: Credit Cards are not accepted. Please use a debit card, ACH transfer, or a Paypal account.