Completion of DD Form 1351-2 for Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel

Complete the DD 1351-2 by typing, ink, or ball point pen. Pencil will not be accepted. All entries must be legible and complete. Make sure you have the version dated May 2011. Prior versions will not be accepted.

To make it easier, use the SmartVoucher online application to complete your voucher. 

Block 1 Put an “X” in the appropriate box. Split disbursement is mandatory for service members, and optional for DOD civilians. If split disbursement is chosen, write in the amount you want to be sent to your government charge card account. Do not leave this blank.
Blocks 2-4 Enter your name, grade, and SSN.
Block 5 Put an “X” in the box that indicates which type of travel was performed.
Block 6 Enter your mailing address and email address. Note: A current address is needed even if the payment is paid via EFT. The address is used to mail a completed copy of the advice of payment (AOP) to the traveler.
Block 7 Enter a complete duty or work (DAYTIME) phone number to include area code.
Block 8 Enter your travel order number (obtain from the travel order).
Block 9 Write the amount of any payments (advances, accruals, or previous settlements) received against the referenced travel order or write “None” if applicable. Do not list ATM withdrawals here.
Block 11 Enter the name and location of your unit/permanent duty station.
Block 12-13 These blocks are applicable for PCS claims only. Do not use these blocks for TDY travel.
Block 15

Itinerary must be complete and exact. The date of departure from and arrival at the permanent duty station or other place where official travel begins and ends, and points at which temporary duty is performed must be shown. These locations should be listed as City and State. All overnight stops must be listed. Deviations from the TDY orders, such as all non-government travel and return trips home during the TDY, must be shown. When deviations occur, include a statement on the voucher as to the duty beginning and ending time at the TDY point. Use appropriate symbols from page 2 of the DD 1351-2 for blocks 15c and 15d Lodging costs should be recorded in block 15e. The number of miles traveled by privately owned conveyance (POC) to and from the TDY points, or to and from home/office to airport and return must be shown in 15f. Do not list unit names or Home of Record (HOR)/home in the itinerary. Always write the name of the city and state.

**If submitting an Accrual Voucher please see the Accrual/Partial Payment Instructions**

Block 16 Select owner/operator or passenger when travel is performed in a privately owned conveyance.
Block 17 Select the appropriate box for duration of travel.
Block 18 Reimbursable Expenses: Show all itemized expenses in this area to include: mileage to/from commercial transportation terminals, mileage within the vicinity of the TDY point, parking, tolls, taxis, rental car, gas for rental car, commercial airfare (where applicable), registration/conference fees, official local and long distance calls, ATM fees, excess baggage fees, lodging tax, and other miscellaneous expenses. The cost of mission related items are NOT reimbursable through travel.
Block 19 Write the date and the number of meals that were eaten in a government dining facility or provided to you at no cost. If no meals were eaten free of charge or in a government mess hall, zero fill the blocks. A government meal is furnished in a government mess hall and the traveler pays a discounted or standard surcharge rate. A deductible meal is provided to the traveler at no cost.

Block 21
Authorized approving official (AO) must sign and date attesting to the validity of and approving payment of any additional items not originally authorized on the orders. Write a remark in the Remarks Section, (Block 29, page 2 of DD 1351-2) explaining what additional items are being approved.
Block 22 These blocks are for Finance and Accounting Office uses
Block 29 Located on page 2 (back side) of DD 1351-2. Complete this section when special authorization is not included in the orders prior to travel being performed. Block 29 may also be used to explain unusual circumstances or to clarify voucher entries on page 1 of the DD 1351-2. No signature is required for clarification statements.

Note: If you are submitting more than one TDY claim at a time, then please print and insert the separator page between each claim before sending.  This ensures that the documents for each separate claim remain together.

Page udpated July 31, 2019