Obtaining Medical Support from Military Members
A legal dependent of an active or retired military member is eligible for medical services through the Department of Defense. TRICARE is the health care program serving Uniformed Service members, retirees and their families. To enroll, the child must be registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). Sponsors are automatically registered in DEERS. The sponsor must enroll their family members. When there is a change in information, each family member's eligibility record must be updated separately.
You can find more information regarding TRICARE coverage options at https://www.tricare.mil/.
Civilian Personnel
The policy explained above does NOT apply to DoD civilian personnel. For civilian employees, child support agencies must continue to send the NMSN to the DoD human resource office provided in the new hire and quarterly wage response. The address for the appropriate HR office is included as part of the new hire and quarterly wage response that is sent as an FPLS match.
DFAS does not process health insurance inquiries or National Medical Support Notices (NMSN). Please do not send these documents to the DFAS Garnishment Law Directorate.
Page updated March 19, 2019.