The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) no longer processes income verification requests.
As mandated by Section 453(n) of the Social Security Act, DFAS reports
quarterly, the name, social security number and wages paid to each employee during the previous quarter to the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS).
All states have access to this information.
If you experience difficulties or are unfamiliar with this service, please contact your home office or review the
FPLS State Services Portal for assistance and information.
Department of Defense Manual 5400.07 (DoD Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] Program) states,
Local or State government officials, foreign officials requesting on behalf of their governments, foreign individuals, or foreign organizations requesting DoD Component records pursuant to the FOIA are treated the same as any other FOIA requester.
To obtain personal records (Leave and Earnings Statements, etc.), you must have Signed Consent from the Individual to whom the records pertain, or a Subpoena/Court Order signed by a Federal Judge, U.S. Attorney or Assistant U.S. Attorney.
Military Health Insurance
DFAS cannot verify health insurance information for members of the military. Forward any requests regarding this matter to the Military Health System Freedom of Information Act Service Center.
DFAS cannot enforce Court Orders requiring military members to obtain health insurance for their dependents. Please contact the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) at 1-800-538-9552 or visit TRICARE for assistance.
Page updated December 7, 2023