1099-R and W-2 Tax Statement Requests
Here is information you need to quickly provide your constituents information on obtaining a DFAS-provided 1099-R, W2 or 1042-S form.
PLEASE NOTE: 1099R Tax Statements for 2022 will be available for reissue on AskDFAS beginning February 10, 2023. Civilian and Military W2 Tax Statements for tax years 2018-2022 will be available for reissue on AskDFAS beginning February 10, 2023. |
How to get a 1099-R (Military Retirees & Annuitants):
- Via the Internet:
- Via the online myPay system:
- Use myPay (https://mypay.dfas.mil). Options are available to download/print their 1099R. Customers can also create a new account, retrieve a forgotten login ID or reset a password. Once logged in, users can update mailing addresses, review their latest account statement. Customers with a valid email address in myPay will receive an email notification when their tax statements are available. Three years’ of 1099-Rs are available to retirees and annuitants via myPay. Not only are the annual statements available earlier than those provided by mail, but they’re available at the customer’s convenience.
- Via Fax or the U.S. Mail
- Customers may also send a letter including their name, Social Security number, date and signature. Requests may be either faxed or mailed.
- Fax number: 1-800-469-6559
- Address: Defense Finance and Accounting Service, U.S. Military Retired Pay, 8899 E. 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249-1200.
- Via the telephone
- Automated Phone System:
- Call 800-321-1080.
- Select option 1 for Military Retired and Annuitant Pay.
- Select option 1 "To Use our automated self-service system and reissue a 1099R."
- Select option 1 to request a 1099-R 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without waiting to speak to a customer service representative.
- Enter your Social Security Number using your touch-tone keypad when prompted.
- You should receive your 1099-R in 7 to 10 business days.
- Many retirees and annuitants have opted to receive 1099Rs via the U.S. Postal Service. Tax statements are sent to the mailing address on record. If they have moved during the year or have not received their 1099R in the mail within a reasonable time, the Retired and Annuitant Pay customer care center (1-800-321-1080) is available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Eastern). It is common during the tax season (December-April) to experience long wait times.
To get a military retiree/annuitant IRS Form 1042-S:
- DFAS customers requiring an IRS Form 1042-S (Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding) need to call the customer care center at 1-800-321-1080, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Eastern).
Requesting a military/federal civilian employee IRS Form W-2:
- Via the Internet:
- Use myPay (https://mypay.dfas.mil). Options are available to create a new account, retrieve a forgotten login ID or reset a password. Once logged in, users can update mailing addresses, review their latest account statement and, of course, download/print their W-2. Customers logging in using a DoD Common Access Card (CAC) or accepted equivalent bypass the ID and password entry requirement.
- The AskDFAS application (available via icons on the myPay and DFAS websites) may be used to submit requests for duplicate W-2s. Members will provide the necessary information in a secure online environment to allow payroll technicians to properly identify the member and send the document to the correct address. Please see notice at the top of this page for availability.
- Via U.S. Mail:
- Although most military members and federal civilian employees are required or encouraged to retrieve tax statements via myPay, some still receive W-2 forms via the U.S. Postal Service. Tax statements are sent to the mailing address on record.
- Via telephone:
- The Military Pay customer care center (1-888-332-7411) is available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Eastern). It is common during the tax season (December-April) to experience long wait times.
- At work:
- Military finance offices at bases worldwide can reissue W-2 statements for members of their particular service.
- Federal civilian employees can contact their assigned Civilian Pay Customer Service Representative (CSR) at the agency or department where they work for assistance.
When issuing pay to more than 6.6 million customers, there’s bound to be a few that may include incorrect information or raise questions.
Military retirees and annuitants have three options to address possible incorrect 1099-R information or to address customer concerns.
- Call the customer care center at 1-800-321-1080.
- Use the AskDFAS option (available on both myPay and DFAS websites) to submit a secure message with the necessary information.
- For retirees: Mail or fax inquiries to:
- Fax number: 1-800-469-6559
- Address: Defense Finance and Accounting Service, U.S. Military Retired Pay, 8899 E. 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249-1200.
- For annuitants: Mail or fax inquiries to:
- Fax: 1-800-982-8459
- Address: Defense Finance and Accounting Service, U.S. Military Annuitant Pay, 8899 E. 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249-1300.
- Military members (except AF/SF):
- Call the Military Pay customer care center (1-888-332-7411) to request a corrected W-2.
- Use AskDFAS; clickable icons are located on the myPay and DFAS homepages. FAQs are available for information and the application allows members to submit a secure message to the appropriate DFAS military pay office.
- Military finance offices can provide assistance in correcting tax statement information.
- Air Force/Space Force members
- Actively serving members of the Air Force, Space Force, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve should now contact the Total Force Service Center (TFSC) for 24/7 support for Military Pay via phone at 1-800-525-0102 or submit a myFSS ticket.
- Federal civilian employees:
- Federal civilian employees must contact their Civilian Pay CSR at the agency or department where they work. Their supervisor can provide help in locating the appropriate CSR, if needed.
Page Updated April 28, 2023