Congressional Inquiry Process
When the Congressional Liaison Office receives a completed congressional inquiry package, an inquiry is opened up within a SharePoint workflow.Each inquiry is assigned a unique identification number.Once the inquiry is opened and an identification number assigned, a Congressional Correspondence Specialist is assigned to the inquiry.
On average, the Congressional Liaison Office receives 450 inquiries per month with a drastic increase in inquiries submitted during the month of April due to tax season.(Click 1099R and W2 Tax Statements for assistance in how to request copies of these documents)
The Correspondence Specialist carefully reviews the constituents information provided and determines which Action Office or Offices need to be involved in the inquiry. The Correspondence Specialist then assigns actions to those offices in order to obtain detailed information regarding the constituents concerns. Once the Action Offices provide the Correspondence Specialist with the necessary information, the Correspondence Specialist prepares a drafted final congressional response. This drafted response is submitted to the Congressional Liaison Division Chief for review.If the Division Chief finds everything to be in order, the response will be signed. Once signed, the Correspondence Specialist will forward to the Staffer and close the inquiry.
If the Division Chief finds everything to be in order, the response will be signed.
Once signed, the Correspondence Specialist will forward to the Staffer and close the inquiry.
Page updated February 9, 2021, 2021