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As a result of feedback received from our past Annual Customer Satisfaction Surveys, we have taken action to improve our processes as well as the products and services we provide you. This page was created to highlight those improvements.
Army Customers
Disability Severance Pay Module for Army Customers
The Disability Severance Pay askDFAS module is now available which will allow customers to submit their refund request online.
Civilian Relocation
Civilian Relocation DFAS.mil Page Refresh - A complete redesign of the DFAS.mil website for Civilian Relocation was completed in July 2020. The website was setup to guide users through the process from understanding their orders, tax information, entitlement information, submitting their voucher, and checking their voucher status. The navigation menu on the left hand side of the site allows users to walk through the process or to jump to the specific section they need.
Enhanced SmartVoucher - In February 2021, DFAS Rome deployed enhanced SmartVoucher technology that includes the ability for Civilian Permanent Change of Station (Civ PCS) Relocation Income Tax Allowance (RITA) claims to be filed electronically.
eTutorial Videos Available for Civilian Relocation
Did you know there are easy to follow, step-by-step video tutorials on how to complete your civilian relocation travel voucher on our YouTube page, WePayDod? Check out the page to get hands on instruction to complete all the necessary forms for reimbursement.
Here is a list of the videos available for the following Civilian Relocation Entitlements:
- eTutorial for House Hunting Trip
- eTutorial for En Route Travel
- eTutorial for Household Goods Shipment
- eTutorial for Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses (TQSE)
- eTutorial for Real Estate
- eTutorial for Relocation Income Tax Allowance (RITA)
Contractor and Vendor Pay
New Updated to PIEE/WAWF
DFAS worked with vendor community, DOD services and other stakeholders of the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) suite to deploy 4 new version releases to implement many changes aimed to improve the usability and efficiency of the suite. The latest version (6.8.0) was deployed in December 2020. A complete description of these changes is listed in the 'PIEE Enhancements By Release' document in the 'Help/Training' section of PIEE site.
Small Business Advocate
We continue to be a strong advocate for Small Businesses. Please visit our new Small Business page and check back frequently for new tips and tools to facilitate timely payment of your invoices.
myInvoice merges into WAWF
The integration of myInvoice into WAWF makes viewing invoices easier. You no longer have to switch between multiple screens. Plus, it is now a one-stop shop to submit, track and view invoices as well as reset your password.
WAWF / iRAPT Resources
Did you know there are many eTutorials and downloadable step-by-step instructions available in iRAPT/WAWF e-Business Suite? Check out the new DFAS.mil page dedicated to these resources with direct links on where to find them within the system.
General Pay
Leave and Earning Statements Video Series on YouTube
On last year's survey, you asked for more information on how to read your LES. As a result, we produced the LES video series to help answer questions about all the various sections of your LES.
Request a Duplicate 1099R or W2 Online
Having problems getting your 1099R? Our new form in askDFAS allows you to make your request online -- NO PIN required. You'll get an email confirmation the same day, and receive your tax documents in 7-10 business days.
Military Pay
Travel Pay Information for Military Members
Important Travel Pay information and resources are available on the Military Member page and are continuously updated.
Blended Retirement System (BRS) Webpage
The Blended Retirement System combines elements of the legacy retirement system with benefits similar to those offered in many civilian 401(k) plans. The opt-in period for the majority of service members closed Dec. 31, 2018. However, it's still important that you learn how to maximize your retirement choice through the information found below. For more information about BRS visit the Blended Retirement webpage. If you have further questions about the Blended Retirement System or financial planning, please contact your local pay or finance office.
myPay Password Requirements Simplified
We've heard you! Many of you told us that our password requirements were too complex. In May 2014, we updated the requirements and changed the minimum length so that passwords can now be shorter and will last longer before they need to be changed.
myPay Two factor identification launched in October 2020 as an added layer of security for users who depend on their accounts for pay information, important tax documents and to make changes to their online profiles.
myPay Leave and Earning Statements and tax documents available via myPay are delivered online in summary view format. This newer format separates the various parts of the once crowded statements onto separate tabs making statements much easier to read from mobile devices. This feature also enhances usability for customers using assistive technologies, such as in readers, while using myPay.
myPay New Transaction History feature is now available that allows customers to view transactions completed using myPay within the last 15 months
myPay offers the option for customers to have notifications sent by text in addition to email. When a mobile phone number is added to their profile, customers will receive a text notification (in addition to a SmartDoc email) as applicable for key myPay account actions, updates on travel vouchers processed by DFAS Rome, and updates on documents submitted to Retired & Annuitant Pay.
Retired and Annuitant Pay
School Certification Process Improvements - Retirement & Annuitant Pay made sweeping changes to the School Certification process for child SBP annuitants that simplify and reduce the paperwork. More details can be found in our new biannual Survivor SBP Newsletter, aimed to share important news that is specific to our survivor SBP annuitant community.
R&A Processing Pay Notification Initiative - We are excited to announce one of our latest improvements that will soon be available to you. Over the coming year, we are rolling out the use of status notifications to keep you in the loop as forms or documents you submit move through the retired pay or annuitant pay processing cycles. More details can be found in our Retired Military Newsletter.
R&A Processing Time Frames web page
A new web page now shows how long it takes to process a request.
R&A New Form Tools
The Retired & Annuitant Pay mission area has launched multiple helpful form tools on dfas.mil to assist customers in completing common, complex forms, and there are more on the way!
Improved Escalation Process for R&A Inquiries
The Retired & Annuitant Pay mission area implemented an improved escalation process between the customer care center representatives and the processing technicians. This reduced the time from when a call is placed to when the issue is resolved.
R&A Scheduled Call Back Feature
Implemented in the Cleveland Customer Care Center, which offers customers an option to be called back by a DFAS representative rather than waiting on hold.
Travel Pay
Text Message Opt-In for Status Updates to Travel Payments​
Text-Message Opt-In is currently available to service members to receive status updates to travel payments. Please contact your local DMPO for additional information.
Checklists for Completing Travel Vouchers
Military PCS/Retirement and Civilian Relocation checklists are now available to walk you through submitting your travel voucher.
Smart Voucher Enhancements
SmartVoucher enhancements have been made as a result of your comments, making questions more easily understood. Check out the latest version.
Travel Voucher Direct allows online filing of travel documents
If DFAS pays your travel claim, you can now upload your file directly online anytime, anywhere. Never worry about lost or stolen mail again.
Travel Vouchers and the Online Payment Status Tool
Travel customers let us know that they want to check the status of their travel payments, easily and conveniently online. Based on their feedback, we developed the Travel Payment Status Tool so that now they'll know exactly where their vouchers are in the 5-step payment process.
Updates on Voucher Processing Dates/Times
The Rome Customer Care Center has updated their Interactive Voice Response System to provide information up front on the processing dates. This information can also be found at the top of the Army Active Duty PCS, Civilian Relocation/PCS and Active Duty TDY pages on DFAS.mil.
Travel Voucher Direct allows online filing of travel documents
If DFAS pays your travel claim, you can now upload your file directly online anytime, anywhere. Never worry about lost or stolen mail again.
For a list of improvements made as a result of your 2019 Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey feedback, please visit our Customer Service Improvements main page.
Page updated May 4, 2023