Graphic representing the Annual Customer Satisfactions survey and that DFAS is listening for feedback. It includes a photo of the DFAS seal on the left side and a photo of a Customer Service Representative on the right. In the middle are seven silhouettes representing our customers: Military, Retirees, Civilians, Small Business Partners, Travelers, Accountants and Security Cooperation Accounting.

Actions Taken in Civilian Pay

These are improvements based on YOUR feedback during our Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey. We're still listening to what other things we can do to improve our collective customer experience.
Improvements From 2023 Feedback
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Self Service and Tool Improvements

Civilian Payroll Services Website

Civilian Pay Operations launched the new Civilian Payroll Services website on IntelShare. The new site took the place of the previous All Partners Access Network. IntelShare is a user-friendly platform where customers can access information briefed at Customer Service Representatives Workshops, and includes policies, regulations, user manuals, Self-Service Reporting, and other helpful tools and resources.

Self-Services Reporting Tool

  • Although DFAS continues to work on making leave data available in the Self-Service Reporting Tool (SSR), these updates were made:
    • The homepage features an indicator to show if the SSR is online. Getting an error when trying to access SSR? Check the homepage to ensure the system is online.
    • SSR now includes a telework report under the time and attendance section. This helps with updated reporting requirements around telework and the new remote code.
    • You can now find information related to data purges within the employing activity and organization table. By occasionally purging inactive data, it reduces the spaced needed on the server for each activity and organization. This helps keep the customer bill as low as possible.

Callback Feature

Tired of waiting on hold? The DFAS Civilian Pay Help Desk (800-729-3277) offers a callback feature to hold your place in line. You have the option to:
  • Request next available. Get an immediate callback when an agent becomes available.
  • Schedule a callback. Pick a time within our duty hours to have a representative call when it is convenient for you.

Improvements from 2022 Survey Feedback

  • In January of 2023, the DFAS Civilian Payroll Office reorganized and combined the Cleveland and Indianapolis Offices under one unified leadership team. This brought about changes to our team structure, management team, and workload. This streamlining process will lead to efficiencies in researching, conducting payroll analysis, and prioritizing ticket titles.
  • Civilian Pay has completed a Customer Journey Map (CJM), which is an end-to-end analysis of how our customers receive and perceive our services. The CJM resulted in five focus areas that will be improved upon through Fiscal Year 2026.
  1. Remedy User Experience
  2. DCPS User Experience
  3. Online Resources and References
  4. Helpdesk Interactions
  5. Training
  • A Communication Campaign will be conducted giving the customer more awareness of Civilian Payroll Services and Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS) IntelShare websites. A Customer Factsheet initiative will be executed providing the customer with the most relevant information about a particular subject in one single place.
  • DFAS continues to enhance the Self-Service Reporting Tool (SSR), allowing each customer base to pull specified reports in a more efficient manner. These enhancements include:
  1. SSR now requires a Common-Access-Card (CAC) or Personal Identification Verification (PIV) to authenticate for access to the tool.
  2. The operating software has been updated which now reflects a change in visual appearance.
  3. SSR has updated the Time and Attendance codes which corrected FLSA NE and FLSA NN reporting.
Click on icon to see improvements we made to Accounting Services.
Click on icon to see improvements we made to Audit Support.
Click on icon to see improvements we made to Accounting Services.
Click on icon to see improvements we made to Accounting Services.
Click on icon to see improvements we made to Accounting Services.
Click on icon to see improvements we made to Accounting Services.


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Page last updated July 29, 2024