DFAS Japan Customer Contacts

These numbers are intended for DFAS Japan financial customer calls and not individual Pay questions. Pay questions can be directed to the Customer Care Center for assistance.
Japan Organization Functions DSN Phone # Direct Dial (In) Number
Army Accounting Accounts Maintenance and Control, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable 225-4671 +81 42-507-6355
Air Force Accounting Accounts Maintenance and Control, Accounts Payable, Obligations, Accounts Receivable 225-3377 +81 42-507-6362
Navy Accounting Accounts Maintenance and Control, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Japan Land Transportation 225-4294 +81 42-507-6364
Customer Support Operations Disbursing, Systems Operations, Vendor Record Establishment 225-3995 +81 42-507-6372
Page Updated June 7, 2022