DFAS Administrative Policies


As with any large organization, there are many administrative policies at DFAS. You don't need to memorize them, but you need to be aware of them and know where to get additional information. Your supervisor and/or team lead should provide an overview of basic administrative policies in place at your DFAS site. Below is a list of policies to be aware of.


Hours of Work & Pay


  • Flexible/Core hours for your site
  • Unique schedule requirements for your work unit
  • Breaks/smoke breaks
  • Lunch, including timing and length
  • Earning/use of credit hours
  • Requesting changes in work schedules
  • Overtime requirements and procedures
  • How to contact payroll customer service




  • Annual leave purpose/earning/use
  • Sick leave purpose/earning/use
  • Leave request procedures for your work unit
  • Your projected annual leave schedule
  • Emergency annual leave/sick leave procedures
  • Who to call when supervisor is unavailable
  • Inclement weather policies/procedures


Performance Management


Group of people

  • Annual rating period
  • Annual rating procedures


Learning and Development


  • Tuition assistance
  • Textbook reimbursement
  • Professional credentials (if applicable)


Conduct and other expectations


  • Probationary/trial period (if applicable)
  • Necessity of recording accurate time & attendance information in e-Biz
  • Protection of classified, Official Use, Privacy Act, Personally Identifiable Information in work unit
  • Specific safety requirements/equipment (if applicable)
  • Acceptable use policy for government computers/telephones/internet
  • Consequences for misuse of government equipment/travel charge card
  • Site's professional image/dress code
  • Conduct expectations, including respect and consideration for others
  • Tour of duty (TDY) requirements (if applicable)




  • Organization chart
  • How to use the chain-of-command
  • Resolving problems informally using chain-of-command


Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), labor and other policies


  • Copies of EEO, sexual harassment and anti-harassment policies
  • How you can contact Human Resources for help/information on benefits
  • Whether or not you are in the Labor Bargaining Unit
  • Understand joining Union is an individual choice
  • Grievance procedures
  • Contacting the DoD Inspector General to report fraud, waste or abuse
  • How to report a safety hazard


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