Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Debts – make payments – debt collection act
    1. The Debt Collection Act of 1982 and the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 authorize assessment of interest, penalty, and administrative charges on all past due debts.  These acts also authorize the reporting of past due debts to the credit bureau network and Private Collection Agency as well as referral to the Treasury Offset Program.  Federal laws authorize the assessment of interest, penalties, and administrative fees on all past due debts.  Interest is charged at the current Treasury tax and loan rate.  An administrative fee is charged to cover delinquent debt processing costs on any amount not paid in 30 days.
    2. Even if a member disagrees with a debt, collection actions will continue during the dispute process.  If the member receives a favorable decision, we will refund all monies collected, to the extent of the correction.
  2. Email addresses for AOs – claims/R&W/VA
  3. Waiver Requests
  4. Some reasons why retired pay account not established
  5. VA waiver
  7. How long on average it takes to establish account
  8. DOHA/Board of Corrections link
  9. SBP/AOP
  10. Not in regular workflow by nature is expedited