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Public Affairs Specialist 24-6474

Army: E7:O4

Location: St Louis, MO
Agency: Corps of Engineers Activity: USACE - St Louis District (MVS)
Service: Army Desired Grade: E7:O4

Tour Description: 24-6474, Length 1 Year: Public Affairs (PA) Specialist for the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Provides advice and assistance in the development and evaluation of command-wide public affairs plans, programs, and products and represents the district PA chief in his/her absence. Assists in ensuring Department of Army (DA), USACE, division and district public affairs guidance is effectively represented to the media, elected and appointed officials, and the general public. Provides district PA representation, to include planning, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining a wide variety of navigation, flood control, drainage, multipurpose dams and lakes involving water supply, and recreation. This position will primarily support the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is cleaning up sites with contamination resulting from the nation’s early atomic energy program. FUSRAP identifies, investigates and, if necessary, clean up or control sites throughout the United States contaminated as a result of Manhattan Engineer District (MED) or early Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) activities. Both the MED and the AEC were predecessors of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This position is responsible for developing FUSRAP specific communication plans, developing new releases, maintaining social media accounts, receiving and responding to public queries, engaging with local and national media, facilitating engagements with local, state, and federal elected officials, and engaging the general public. Qualifications: Must be trained public affairs specialist with experience in conflict resolution and crisis communication.

To apply, contact: MSgt Leanna Rudibaugh - 317-361-7738