Navy Enterprise Planning (ERP)

What is ERP: 

Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the Department of the Navy (DON) financial system of record, meaning it provides reliable information for Navy leadership to keep our Navy moving forward. Using sophisticated business management software, Navy ERP streamlines the Navy’s business operations, namely financial and supply chain management. This enables the DON to be diligent stewards of taxpayer dollars while supporting the Navy’s mission to “maintain, train and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.”

Navy ERP’s mission is to develop and sustain a business capability that enables the Navy business enterprise to budget, account for, and audit its resources so that it can monitor and make decisions about how the resources are obtained, allocated and utilized for the benefit of the warfighter and the US taxpayer.

Did you know? 

Benefits of ERP system: 

• Real Time
• Reduce number and cost of IT systems
• Achieve significant labor cost savings through standardized business processes
• Produce auditable financial statements
• Reduce the cost and level of effort of conducting an audit

Top reasons invoices fail on 3U report: 

• Invoice is Greater than Open Balance on SES
• Purchase Order not Found
• No match On PO for CLIN/SLIIN
• Unit of Measure differs

Approximately 15% of all 1034 and prompt payment submissions need to be returned for errors. Reasons include: 

• Incorrect PIIN/SPIIN
• Missing Invoice Date
• Gross Amount/Certified Amount Does Not Match
• Incorrect or missing supporting documentation
• Missing/Expired cage code
• No Match On PO for CLIN/SLIIN
• Unit of Measure differs

All certifying officials who must have a valid DD 577 card loaded in Electronic Document Access (EDA) 

The Appointing Office can complete Section IV of the DD 577 and email it to a secure mail box at:

To fax your manual ERP invoice package to DFAS Cleveland: 877-580-3010 or 614-701-2669

To Request Access to EDM/EFR eUpload Document Utility contact: EDA HelpDesk 1-866-618-5988

Helpful Contact information: 

WAWF Help Desk:

Navy ERP Help Desk: mil/#/

DFAS Customer Service: 1-855-608-3975 or ASKDFAS

Please submit your F110 certification sheets to ASKDFAS: action?mid=14    select command, then subcategory Navy ERP Customer Service

Common ERP invoices include: 


•             Utility payments
•             Honorariums
•             Legal claims
•             Attorney fees
•             Pre-paid postage
•             Citibank

Employee reimbursements 

•             Civilian clothing allowance
•             Legal claims
•             Morale, welfare and general entertainment
•             Professional liability insurance
•             Awards for suggestions

ERP payment status: 

To check ERP payment status log on to ASKDFAS: action?mid=14   


Contact us: 

If you have questions regarding ERP
Customer Care Center
1-855-608-3975 or ASKDFAS

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