Miscellaneous Payments

Miscellaneous payments

A miscellaneous payment is a valid obligation of the government:

• Payment per special authoritative arrangements other than a formal contracting arrangement, such as special acts through legislative and executive orders.

• Payments and funding made by other federal agencies under special authority that necessitates special billing/reimbursement conditions.

• Payments for non-recurring, non-contractual purchases.

• Payments authorized under formal contracting arrangements that necessitate subsequent funding arrangements.

DoD 7000.14-R FMR Vol 10 Contract Pay Ch 12 - Misc Pay http://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/documents/fmr/Volume_10.pdf

Did you know?

Miscellaneous payment approvers are certifying officials who must have a valid DD Form 577 loaded in the Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC) Portal and Electronic Document Access (EDA).

When miscellaneous pay is not appropriate:

• All government-to-government transactions must go through the Intergovernmental Payment and Collection System (IPAC) process
• Obtaining goods and/or services for non-government purposes
• Settlements involving back pay of wages

Common errors causing payment delays:

• Incorrect obligation/invoice document type used
• Purchase request/purchase order
• Funds commitment/obligation (FMZ)
• Incorrect PMS code
• 00 Automated Disbursing System (ADS)
– U.S. dollar, Continental United States (CONUS) banking
• 01 Deployable Disbursing System (DDS) –Foreign currency, outside CONUS banking
• 02 Treasury Direct Disbursing (TDD) – U.S. dollar, CONUS banking
• Incorrect or missing supporting documentation in GFEBS

Establishing and Selecting Vendor in GFEBS:
1. Establish a contract and government entity (CAGE) code in www.SAM.gov
2. Create a vendor ID (VID) – Banking

• CONUS – Use SF 3881 for all U.S. Vendor requests (non-SAM) ; send VID requests to dfas.indianapolis-in-jaq.mbx.indy-vid-req@mail.mil
• OCONUS – Banking to be included on invoice


Acceptance is typically the same date as receipt or within 7 days of the received date, but never earlier
than the received date.
The GFEBS workflow approval must be used. The M block is released when an invoice is approved by a miscellaneous pay approver. Supporting documentation must be attached at invoice header level.

GFEBS Miscellaneous Pay SOP (Sub Heading)



DOD Miscellaneous Pay Guide



Common miscellaneous pay types include:

Non Federal

• Utility payments
• Honorariums
• Legal claims
• Attorney fees
• Pre-paid postage

Employee reimbursements

• Civilian clothing allowance
• Legal claims
• Morale, welfare and general entertainment expenses
• Professional liability insurance
• Award for suggestions

GFEBS payment status:

To check GFEBS payment status, log onto the APChart Dashboard on Army Knowledge Online at https://www.us.army.mil/suite/files/43025314

Contact us:

If you have questions regarding status of a GFEBS miscellaneous payment, contact the following:
Customer Care Center
DFAS Indianapolis  1-888-332-7366
DFAS Rome 1-800-553-0527

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