Contract payments

A contract is a legally-binding agreement between a buyer and a vendor over a specified length of time for the purchase of goods or services for a specified quantity or price. A contracting office must administer the contract to establish an agreement with the awarded vendor.

DoD 7000.14-R FMR Vol 10 Contract Pay

Common Errors

• Delay in invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, Poperty Transfer (iRapt) acceptance

• Contract line items (CLINs) not structured correctly

• Funding not allocated

• Unit of measurement incorrect

• Wrong Pay Office DoD Address Activity Code (DoDAAC)

• Contract/Mod Interface Failure

• Incorrect line of accounting/transaction for other (TFO) lines not loaded

• Insufficient funding of interest buckets


GFEBS payment status:

Log onto the APChart Dashboard at


Payment Process

1. Commit funds in the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS)
2. Create GFEBS Purchase Request (PR)
3. GFEBS PR sent to Standard Procurement System (SPS)/PD2 or Logistics Modernization Program (LMP)
4. Contracting solicits/awards contract
5. Contract data interface from SPS/PD2 to Electronic Data Access (EDA) and GFEBS
6. GFEBS performs pre-award validation
7. Contract errors identified as consider or resolve
8. Resolve errors then award released
9. GFEBS evaluate award intermediate document (IDOC) if it can be posted (status 53) or fail (status 51)
10. Failed SPS IDOCs worked manually by Resource Management (RM)
11. Award creates obligation/purchase order in GFEBS
12. Vendor delivers goods/services in accordance with contract, submits invoice in Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) Business Suite Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, Property Transfer (iRAPT_ as Combo (Goods) or 2n1 (services)
13. Acceptor accepts/rejects receiving report or 2n1
14. WAWF iRAPT sends interface file to GFEBS
15. GFEBS evaluates invoice/receving report (RR) IDOC if it can be posted (status 53) or fail (status 51)
16. DFAS accounts payable technician works IDOC failures/iRapt suspended invoices/RR
17. Interfaced and DFAS entered IR/GRs are reviewed by certifier for three-way match, due dates, interest
18. Payment processed on payment run in GFEBS
19. Payment file sent to Disbursing
20. Disbursing sends Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to vendor

Contract pay types:

A  Blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) 
C  Contracts of all types, excluding: indefinite
D  Indefinite delivery contracts (IDC)
E  Facilities contracts
F  Contracting action placed by a non-DoD activity
G  Basic ordering agreements (BOAs)
H  Agreements, excluding BOAs, BPAs, and IDCs
K  Short form research contracts
L  Lease agreements
M  Purchase orders – manual
P  Purchase orders – automated
V  Used in place of P when the numbering capacity of P has been exhausted for the fiscal year (FY)
W  Used in place of M when the numbering capacity of M has been exhausted for the FY
1  Grants
2  Cooperative agreements
9  Section 845


Contact us:

If you have questions regarding status of a GFEBS contract payment, contact the following:

Customer Care Center
aDFAS Indianapolis  1-888-332-7366
DFAS Rome 1-800-553-0527

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