Graphic representing the Annual Customer Satisfactions survey and that DFAS is listening for feedback. It includes a photo of the DFAS seal on the left side and a photo of a Customer Service Representative on the right. In the middle are seven silhouettes representing our customers: Military, Retirees, Civilians, Small Business Partners, Travelers, Accountants and Security Cooperation Accounting.

We're listening

These are improvements based on YOUR feedback during our Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey. We're still listening to what other things we can do to improve our collective customer experience.

Group watching video screen, simulating a Zoom call Accounting Services

Customer Outreach

  • We identified and participated in numerous onsite/hybrid training and business diagnostic events to enhance our employee knowledge and understanding across Accounting Operations. These trainings included targeted team training, business diagnostics and improvement events.

Process Improvements

  • Support, reduce total, and prevent inflow of Journal Voucher balances in alignment with our customers’ financial reporting goals and in pursuit of downgrading Fund Balance with Treasury (FBwT) and Financial Reporting Material Weaknesses.
  • Acquisition and Cross-Service Agreements (ACSA) – Implemented recurring meetings with U.S. Army Financial Management Command (USAFMCOM), Commands, and partner nations to improve communication and collaboration on outstanding balances and to improve processes.
  • By consolidating Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management System (DEAMS)/Legacy data on one form we updated Yearend Database Transfer (DBT) process to assist our customers with record validation at Yearend.
  • In early 2023 the Advana TPPS-T Reconciliation Tool went live with the intent to standardize and automate the reconciliation of the monthly US Bank Call for Funds (CFF) for DFAS-owned New Settlement Accounts using Qlik software. On a daily basis, the tool compares DFAS made payments to the monthly US Bank Call for Funds and generates an invoice status based off of the data. The tool standardizes and automates the TPPS-T account reconciliation process and provides the DFAS and Service/Agency end users the ability to access invoice and payment statuses on a daily basis.

Audit Support

  • DFAS collaborates across our sites and with our customers to complete “Provided by Client” (PBC) requests and to develop Corrective Action Plans (CAP) to address Notices of Findings and Recommendations (NFR).
  • Aggressively supported the Air Force’s audit re-performance of CCAS and achieved a 100% match rate for two straight quarters while also closing 53% of AF CAPs.
  • Utilized team's audit experience to create a phased testing approach and substantive testing methodology in preparation for the DCSA and DHRA audits.
  • For Army Working Capital Fund, DFAS’ leadership in stabilizing ADVANA Fund Balance with Treasury (FBwT) resulting in a decrease from $4B undistributed to $127M in the past 6 months.

Man with glasses looking at computer Civilian Pay

  • In January of 2023, the DFAS Civilian Payroll Office reorganized and combined the Cleveland and Indianapolis Offices under one unified leadership team. This brought about changes to our team structure, management team, and workload. This streamlining process will lead to efficiencies in researching, conducting payroll analysis, and prioritizing ticket titles.
  • Civilian Pay has completed a Customer Journey Map (CJM), which is an end-to-end analysis of how our customers receive and perceive our services. The CJM resulted in five focus areas that will be improved upon through Fiscal Year 2026.
  1. Remedy User Experience
  2. DCPS User Experience
  3. Online Resources and References
  4. Helpdesk Interactions
  5. Training
  • A Communication Campaign will be conducted giving the customer more awareness of Civilian Payroll Services and Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS) IntelShare websites. A Customer Factsheet initiative will be executed providing the customer with the most relevant information about a particular subject in one single place.
  • DFAS continues to enhance the Self-Service Reporting Tool (SSR), allowing each customer base to pull specified reports in a more efficient manner. These enhancements include:
  1. SSR now requires a Common-Access-Card (CAC) or Personal Identification Verification (PIV) to authenticate for access to the tool.
  2. The operating software has been updated which now reflects a change in visual appearance.
  3. SSR has updated the Time and Attendance codes which corrected FLSA NE and FLSA NN reporting.

 Retired Military & Annuitants

  • Check out our latest quarterly Retiree newsletter and our bi-annually Survivor newsletter. Our newsletters share detailed information and the latest updates from our DFAS Cleveland site.
  • Also, please visit our Retiree and Annuitant online forms section for additional insight and instructions on how to complete and submit.

Group watching video screen, simulating a Zoom call Security Cooperation Accounting (SCA)

  • SCA led and participated in over 25 walkthroughs/discussions with various customer’s Independent Public Auditors over the last year.
  • To date, the SAA Reconciliation Initiative has documented the existence of over 200 possible Title 22 reconciliations to clearly identify the scope of SAA work across various Feeder and General Ledger Systems. Allowing us to prioritize those materially relevant systems for reconciliation builds, which will increase financial statement integrity and prove completeness of T22 feeder transactions posting to the General Ledger.
  • The Accounting Team partnered with DSCA, Combatant Commands, and Regional Center to tackle UMDs, achieving a 34% reduction rate in UMDs. This is the first time UMDs have been under 10K since October of 2018.

 Travel Pay

  • Increased communication on voucher status and availability of online resources. myPay and SmartVoucher send out voucher status updates via email. Ensure email addresses are current in both systems. Opt-in for text messages in myPay; login, go to personal settings and click on mobile phone to enter your information.

Army Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

  • Soldiers use the SmartVoucher system. SmartVoucher flows your PCS claim through your Finance Office for review and on to DFAS for computation and payment. PCS travelers using SmartVoucher are receiving their payments up to 50% faster than those who submit manual claims.

Civilian PCS

  • Our team worked to provide recurring marketing via Social media outlets. These posts will provide links to the Civilian Relocation website that coordinates with the cycle of work.

Temporary Duty (TDY)

  • Continuous updates are being made to the TDY page on to include guidance specific to soldiers deployed to Europe, and assist with completing travel vouchers upon return from deployment. We are working with Army 230th FMSU to update redeployment briefing slides to be distributed to the S1 Community who will be trained to brief soldiers prior to submitting vouchers to DFAS for payment.

Photo of young woman on phone Vendor/Commercial Pay

  • At DFAS request, PIEE implemented a change where all attachments in Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) can now be clearly identified and a reminder is provided to foreign vendors regarding form W-14.
  • The default timeframe for documents visible to government officials is now not limited to the last 30 days, so there are fewer delays with acting on the submitted documents in WAWF.
  • Increased customer engagement through participating in and holding numerous onsite/hybrid customer visits and events to share knowledge and support customer priorities.
  • Developed the MOCAS Recon Unity of Effort Initiative in an effort to reduce overall cycle time for reconciliation requests. Once complete, the Unity of Effort Initiative will be deployed to other Contract Pay Directorates.
  • Helpful information available for vendors to include small businesses, the WAWF/PIEE system, and more here.

The service improvements cover six areas

  • Accounting Services
  • Civilian Pay
  • Retired Military & Annuitants
  • Security Cooperation Accounting
  • Travel Pay
  • Vendor/Commercial Pay

For a list of improvements from previous years, click here.

Page last updated July 5, 2023