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From Our Partners: TRICARE Asks Have You Updated DEERS Lately?

When TRICARE tried to reach a group of retirees with critical information recently, more than 6 out of 10 had incorrect information in DEERS. Is your information correct?

Why do you need to update your information in DEERS?

Your information must be correct in DEERS so that:
  • You and your family maintain access to your medical benefits
  • Your healthcare team can contact you with critical healthcare and appointment information
  • TRICARE can reach you with vital authorization, claims, and enrollment information
  • Home delivery prescriptions can be delivered properly
When do you need to update DEERS?

Beneficiaries need to update DEERS as soon as possible anytime they move, change contact information, or experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE).

A beneficiary must update DEERS whenever they experience the following (this list is not all-inclusive):
  • Change in sponsor’s status
  • Retiring or separating
  • Activating or deactivating
  • Having a baby or adopting
  • Moving to a new location for any reason
  • Change in a student’s full-time enrollment status
  • Becoming eligible for Medicare
  • Death of sponsor or family member
If a beneficiary is enrolled in any TRICARE plan (e.g., TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TRICARE Reserve Select, TRICARE Retired Reserve or TRICARE Young Adult), remind them to also change their address and other personal information with their regional contractor.

How do you update DEERS?
  • To learn how to update DEERS, visit https://www.TRICARE.mil/DEERS
  • To update contact information:
    • Make updates on milConnect at https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/
    • Call 1-800-538-9552 (TTY/TDD: 1-866-363-2883)
    • Fax updates to 1-800-336-4416 (Primary) or 1-502-335-9980 (Alternate)
    • Mail updates to:
      • Defense Manpower Data Center Support Office
      • Attn: COA
      • Gigling Road
      • Seaside, CA  93955-6771
To add or remove family members, go to a local ID card office.
Page updated Sept 29, 2021